Chapter Thirty-Four

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Ashleigh's Point of View-

All I could see was darkness... I couldn’t understand what had just happened. Sure I knew I had stabbed myself but I didn't understand who had run into the bathroom as everything was going black... It sounded like Mitch but it couldn't have been... Mitch is dead... He has been for a year... It's impossible. In the middle of the darkness something lit up.. What could that be? I slowly moved towards the light and realized it was a crack in the darkness, sort of like an opening door. I peeked out and noticed that whatever this thing was it was in the hospital. I walked through the crack and realized it was me... I was in the hospital bed. It was so hard to keep my eyes open. I looked beside me and saw Mitch? Wait Mitch?!

"Mitch!?" He looked up at me,
"ASH! You’re okay!" He exclaimed.
"But your dead.."
"Do I look dead?" I sat up and looked at him, he jumped at me and hugged me,
"OW!" I yelled.
"Oh yeh sorry." Mitch looked at my stomach. I pulled my shirt down a little to see the wound where I had dug the knife into,
"You've been dead for a year." I looked Mitch in the eyes.
"I never did die."
"WELL THEN WHERE WERE YOU!" I was starting to get upset as I did this because I thought he was dead. He looked at his phone,
"I'll explain everything later but right now I have to take you back home so that everyone else can see you. They are all worried sick!"
"Wait how long have I been here for?"
"Four months.." Wait what?! Four months I've been unconscious for four months. A tear rolled down my face and Mitch sat up wiped the tear away then kissed my forehead,
"When your ready baby girl.."

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