Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Mitch's point of view-

It was getting late... I hadn't seen Ash all day and she wasn't answering her phone. I was starting to worry,
"You guys haven't heard anything from her?!" I asked.
"Nope not a thing" Matt answered with a sad face.

I went to bed even though she wasn't home. Maybe she has made a friend and they are still hanging out? Nope that's not it... I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of a dark room,
"H-hello?" I whispered.
"Oh your here... you’re looking for Ashleigh I presume?" the voice questioned.
"She's where she belongs! Now I warned you what would happen if you came here!"
"Wait what?!" I felt something stab into my back and I fell to the ground. I sat up in my bed. It was just a dream... I turned my phone on to check the time to see a text from Ash,
"Check your computer"

I jumped up and ran to my computer, I had an email from her, with a link attached? I walked into the other boys bedrooms, and told them to meet me in my room. When we were all ready I clicked on the link, it took us to a video..
"Hello boys! This is what happens when you hide her from me for a year! If you want to keep your lives, I wouldn't come looking for her! You’ll just make things worse for everyone!" The whole video was of Ash strapped to a table crying with blood dripping down her legs. I jumped up,
"I don't care if I die! We have to save her!" I exclaimed.
"But we don't know who has her and where she is..." Jerome reminded me.
"It's our dad that has her... I know where he would have her..." Matt explained.

is it meant to be? (BajanCanadian Fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat