Chapter Forty-Four

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Mitch's point of view-

I woke up with someone calling my name,
"Mr Hughes, get up"
"W-what happened?" I replied.
"You were knocked out, the bruise on your face would indicate that someone punched you or kicked you" the women logically replied.
"Ash?! Where is she?!" I suddenly realized she wasn't here.
"We found her phone but no sign of her"
"I found something! Over here!" a man exclaimed. I jumped up and ran over to where he was looking, footprints.
"How long ago were they made?" another man questioned.
"Half an hour ago, whoever they belong to, they can't have gotten far" the man replied.

We had been following tracks for an hour, it was getting dark now, when we came across a house. I looked at the police officers around me and they all ran forward. We walked into the house.
"Over here I've found a body!" someone yelled. We all ran over, I thought that it might be Ash and freaked out. When I made it to everyone, it was her father,
"That man! I can't believe him!" I exclaimed.
"He's dead but there is no wound where blood would come out." A man explained
"Yeh, so?" I replied angrily.
"Someone else has been attacked" Once this was said I freaked out, Ash was out there somewhere! We all ran out of the house following the faint trail of blood, I was racing as fast as I could ahead of the group, to find my girlfriend, lying down, dying. I felt tears in my eyes. She looked over at me and smiled.
"Ash!" I yelled as I ran to her side, "quick someone help her!" They ran around me and started to put needles in her arms. All she was doing was smiling, looking up at the stars. At least she was happy.
"It's too late" the lady said. I began to cry. I pushed everyone out of the way and lay next to my dying girlfriend. She rolled her head and faced me,
"It's been good Mitchell Hughes"
"Don't leave me" I cooed.
"It's too late for me, go find a pretty girl and love her, then name a baby after me because that would be cool" she laughed.
"Dying and still has a sense of humour" I giggle.
"Remember me?" she cooed.
"Of course" I said and kissed her forehead.
"I lo-" she was cut off by her own death. I sat up and grabbed her lifeless body in my arms,
"I love you too Ash" as I felt the last year slide down my face.

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