Chapter Forty-Two

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Mitch's point of view-

Everything was black, I must've past out from the sudden sense of knowledge. I could hear my name being yelled. My vision was slowly coming back, I could see Ash standing over me, she had this worried look. Jerome, Matt, Erin and Emma were all around Ash also looking at me. I slowly sat up as my head was spinning.
"MITCH! WHAT HAPPENED?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Ash sounded concerned.
"Yeah I'm fine... I think I remember the missing year.." I replied slowly.
"Wait what?!" Matt questioned.
"I remember everything, I think" I replied.
"Mitch you have to tell us! Please! I can't handle not knowing what my dad did to you!" Ash yelled at me.
"Babe, do you really.." I questioned.
"We all do biggums!" Jerome replied.
"Oh fine..." I answered.

~What happened to Mitch in the missing year~

"After everyone else got out of the car I just stayed, I don't know why but I did, but when I got out and walked towards the house something hit me in the back of the head. When I woke up I was in a dark room, it looked like a jail cell. When I got up to look for someone, there was no one there, so I shouted for someone, still no one. I sat there for another couple hour when a man came to the cell, he grabbed my arm and took me to another room. Now I was strapped to a chair and the man left me there for a minute, this guy didn't seem evil or rude, I didn't understand what was going on. Then the man came back with a gun, he pointed at my head and screamed, then he yelled at me, I don't quite remember what but I was frightened. After a while he said something like "it's your turn.." but I can't remember the rest. I heard a bang and could feel something dripping down my face. Then it all went dark..

I remember seeing a light, it was slowly getting bigger.. I thought I was dead. When all of a sudden, I saw a young girl at the door with a hand over her mouth, I had hope! I was going to live. Until she ran away screaming.. That was it, my chance of living gone.. The little girl came back but this time with a little boy,
"Help... me..." I said trying not to get blood in my mouth. They both looked so frightened but they came and got me out of the chair and put me on the floor. I could hear them talking above me but I don't know what exactly. I felt safe so I decided to sleep. When I woke up I was in a small room, with the young boy and girl on either side of me and a middle aged woman over me. I slowly sat up and saw their faces of relief. The woman grabbed a mirror and handed it to me, there was only a scar on my fore head, it looked like it had been healing for months,
"How long have I been asleep?" I asked them.
"About 4 months..." the woman answered me. I freaked out. One of the younger children asked what happened and the woman told the child that it was rude.
"I got shot in the head" I replied. They all looked so shocked. At around dinner time we all went outside onto the porch, they all looked so hungry.
"What are your names" I questioned.
"I am Thalli and these two are Harry and Gracey" she replied with a smile. She asked what my name was and then we went in a full conversation to try and forget about how hungry we all were.
"How did you save me?" I questioned. She explained that before she lost all her money that she was a nurse, and was learning to be a nurse in third world countries. Which means she knew what plants to use to help me. After about an hour I realized I had no clue where I was, so I asked. They didn't have the slightest clue either. I freaked out thinking I would spend my whole life out here. I spent another three months looking for the closest road and making signals for planes and helicopters. Nothing had worked, I just gave up.. It was time I helped the others survive living out here. The next two months was just living out in the middle of nowhere, hoping and wishing one day I would see my friends and girlfriend again. I was the hunter, I would collect food for everyone. I always had to leave a trail to find my way back to the house.

When one day I found a road. I ran out into it and screamed of joy. I went to go get Thalli and the other two but on my way I hit my head on a tree and passed out. I woke up and saw a girl in front of me. I was just sitting there curious to who she was,
"Do I know you?"
"IT’S GRACEY!!! MITCH IM GRACEY!!!" At the time I didn't know who Mitch was. The young girl that called herself Gracey ran back into the forest. I sat there for a while then got bored so I stood up and followed the other half of the trail I must have left. When I found the road again, I began to follow it. Eventually I got here to this town. People kept walking up to me and looking at me funny, until I ran into a police man,
"Excuse me, may I please know where I am?" I asked.
"Why of course.." he looked at me funny, then grabbed his radio out and began yelling, "I FOUND MITCHELL HUGHES REPEAT I FOUND MITCHELL HUGHES!!" After an hour or so I was in the hospital, the doctors where trying to figure out how to get my memory back. Then eventually I realized where I was. I jumped out of bed and ran out of the hospital. I ran all the way here to find Ash on the ground.."

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