Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Ashleigh's point of view-

My dad had left me alone in the room, with the lights out. My legs were stinging and I couldn't feel my hands, as I had been struggling to free them. I was worrying that Mitch, Matt and Jerome were going to come and find me. I knew if they came they would die. Even worse Matt would know who had me. In the midst of freaking out my dad walked back in and turned the lights on,
"You’re lucky your friends haven't come" he said as he walked past me.

A couple hours had passed and I had started to calm down and thought that maybe the boys had listened to my father’s warning, but then again of course not... There was a bang as someone barged though the door. I heard a few gunshots and I began to cry,
"WHERE IS SHE?!" I heard someone yell. Does this mean that my dad was shot? Hopefully the boys are all alright,
"Sh-she's in there" I heard my father say. I heard footsteps as people ran towards me. As the lights were turned off again I couldn't see,
"Ash?!" I heard someone yell.
"I'm in the dark room!" I screamed back. The door flung open and the lights turned on. In ran Matt, then Mitch, then Jerome. They all had worried looks on their faces. Mitch unstrapped my feet and Matt unstrapped my arms. As soon as I was free Matt swooped me into a hug, I hugged back and began to cry,
"What's wrong?!"
"My legs!" Jerome looked at my legs in shock,
"I'll call an ambulance!" Jerome said running off. Matt moved back a bit and Mitch came up to me and kissed me straight on the lips,
"What did he do to you??"
"Only stabbed my legs twice.."
"Only?!" I knew my dad could have killed me so I nodded.

An ambulance came and took me to the hospital, they stitched up the cuts in my legs and gave me crutches to move. We drove home, the boys helped me out of the car, I was limping inside with Matt holding one side of me up and Mitch holding the other side of me up Matt looked at me,
"Dad is currently in hospital as I shot him in the leg and will be going to jail straight after that for kidnapping and attempted murder" I looked at him,
"Thanks for helping me big brother" he smiled.

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