Chapter Thirty-One

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Mitch's point of view-

Everyone got out of the car but I sat there for a moment. For no reason at all, I just sat there. It was as if I was waiting for something to happen. I got bored of sitting in the car so I hopped out, by this stage everyone was inside. I walked up to the up to the front gate. I was about to open it when something hit me in the back of the head. I fell to the ground. I looked around for a moment then everything went black.

I woke up in a dark room,
"Ouch..." I hit my head on something. It was as if I was in a jail cell. My vision started to focus so I could see better. Yep I was in a cell. I looked around to see if anyone was here with me. No one, I was all by myself. I got off the bed and walked to the door. I stood there for a second then knocked,
"Hello? Is there anyone here that will tell me what's going on?" I got no answer so I sat back on the bed. I had been sitting here for a couple of hours when the door unlocks,
"I nearly forgot about you. Come with me." a man said. The man grabbed my arm and I followed him. I didn't struggle as I knew if I got away I would collapse as my head was still sore. I was strapped to a chair in a strange room,
"Okay I'll be one second" the man left the room." I looked around the room, it was alas I dark I couldn't see very much. The man came back in but with a gun. He walked up to me and pointed the gun at my head,
"You disgust me!" he yelled at me.
"I'm sorry? what did I do?" I said calmly.
"Saved my daughter! It's your turn to pay!" He shoot me in the head and I could feel the blood dripping down my head. I could no longer hold my head up, it flopped down on the back of the chair. I sat there for a while with this pain in my head. Ash's dad, I could tell as I did save Ash, had left me to die. The pain started to get worse and my vision started to disappear. Until, it all went black...

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