Chapter Thirty-Three

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Ashleigh's point of view-

~A year after Mitch was told to be dead~

The past year has been pretty good, compared to how I thought it would go.. Jason and I are still together. I have been having nightmares every night since Mitch died... Jason has even helping me through but I know that Mitch would comfort me more... Jerome comes into my room,
"It's been a year from today..." he says slowly.
"What do you mean?" I look up at him.
"It's been a year since Mitch died..." he said quietly.


I was standing in front of so many people... There was also I camera in the aisle so that all his fans could be there... As I was standing there I began to look around the room. I finally got the courage to talk into the mic.
"Mitchell Hughes, many things come into my mind when I say this name... How happy he always was... how he was always there for me when I was upset. He was so forgiving, so gentle... Even when I had done something wrong he would forgive me.." I felt a year stream down my face, "Until recently, when someone decided to take him away from me... leave me on this horrible place to fend for myself." I was starting to get angry, "I’m sure I know who would do this to me... who else would" I looked straight into the camera, "I will find you Steven! You will pay for the pain you have caused!"

~end of flashback~

I started to cry,
"No don't worry ash..." he looked at me, "he's in a better place now"
"Do you know how tempted I've been to join him?!" I looked back at him, "I would leave everything to join him!"
"DONT SAY THAT!!! Ash please..." a tear rolled down his face. I turned away and he left me room. Jason had to go back to visit his parents as it was his mother’s 85th birthday. I felt so alone. Matt had left to go get some food to cook dinner and Jerome had gone with him.

I was all by myself... Here was my chance. I pulled out my phone and tweeted,
"I'm coming to join you"
No one would understand until Matt and Jerome told everyone after this... I walked into my private bathroom and pulled open a secret hatch behind my mirror. Only I knew about this so it was a perfect place to hide my knife. I pulled the Knife out and climbed into the bath so there wouldn't be too big of a mess. I pulled the knife to my chest and was about to cut it. I felt tears roll down my face,
"I'm coming baby..." I put the knife in my chest and fell to the ground. As I did this someone ran into the room,
"ASH WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" it sounded like... Mitch? That’s impossible...

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