Chapter Sixty One

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A/N -- Because my updating schedule has been nearly nonexistent for the past month, have another update from me! Hope you enjoy.

It was two mornings later when everyone stood outside. Azabela and Dane both were in the process of hugging Rhalla goodbye. The archer whispered into Hench's ear. "You come back to me now. Don't get yourself killed. And when it's time to march," Azabela pulled Hench to arms' length, "I'll be there for you. You have my word."

"Until then," Renna interjected, "I'll take good care of them for you."

Hench's eyes found Renna's, "Are you sure about them staying?"

"Oh, don't be preposterous. It's not safe where you live right now." Renna waved them off. "Besides, this house is gods' damned lonely. It's preferred that they stay. I've spent too long not knowing anything of you, girl." She grinned. "And even if that weren't the case, there's always use for a good huntress and a strong, strapping boy. Mayhap I'll sit on my old ass and let someone else do all the work here for a change."

Hench chuckled. "I appreciate it."

"I am the appreciative one," Renna promised again, and then turned to Dane. "I'll keep them fed and healthy. Though I can't promise I can beat all the pretty girls off this one. He might run off and get a girlfriend while you're gone."

Azabela snorted. "He better not. He's already got one." She turned to Dane, who went ghost pale. "I believe her name is Salene. Am I right?"

Dane cringed and turned an eye to his birth mother, who was eyeing him with a raised row. Hench heaved a deep breath after a second. "Is that so?" she asked.

"I..." Dane shot a dirty look at Azabela. "Sort of."

Hench nodded in consideration. "Well, good for you, son. Be nice to her."

"You're not mad?" Dane asked, surprised. "Or... upset?"

"Why would I be upset? Or angry?" The mighty woman looked confused.

"Because... because of..." he shut his mouth promptly. He didn't want to say what he was thinking. Instead, he came up with something. "Well, there's because of the fact that I didn't tell you about her. Or anything. I know you... hate that." It was the truth. Hench hated things being kept from her.

"That's not what you were going to say," Hench caught him.

"I just... I don't want you to think I'm like... ah, never mind," Dane spoke without thinking, intimidated by the way his mother stared down at him, awaiting the other reason. She watched him for another long moment, picking up on what he meant. Iris and Azabela caught it too.

Finally, Hench squatted and put a hand on his shoulder. "You're nothing like your father, son. I know that. You don't have to be afraid you'll disappoint me." She kissed his forehead. "You're kind and honorable, and you happen to worry about your mother far too much. Do you know that?" When he chuckled, she ruffled his hair. "Treat her like the gentleman I raised you to be. When all this is over and we get to go back home, invite her to dinner. I'll meet her, even if it means accepting that you're not a little child anymore."

"I will," Dane whispered his response. "Be careful, mama. I love you."

She pulled him in for one more crushing embrace. "I love you too, kid. You be good to Aunt Renna... keep your other mother in line." She winked at Azabela.

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