Chapter Ninety Six

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A/N -- Because I'm a bad author, I didn't edit this with too much scrutiny. :P (I happen to be on like hour 60 of no sleep, so...)

Those beautiful new covers you see were done by @zuko_42. *bows down*

The song is "Hero" by Really Slow Motion. I've so been saving it for this.


Several weeks later yielded Iris and her family's arrival in Oraborn, alongside her sister's betrothed and her own lover. Royal carriages had actually showed up at Eda two weeks before to ensure that they were all escorted safely. Those same carriages spat them out in the royal courtyard eight hours before the beginning of the centennial celebration.

As everyone exited, they marveled at the emperor's palace just beyond the courtyard's fountain. Even Iris was struck by its grandeur as she stepped down and looked around. As it turned out, she was able to enjoy her surroundings far more than her last visit to Eldia's capital, now that she wasn't distracted by the concept of imminent death.

Kayde proudly offered his arm for her to take as soon as her feet hit grass. She chuckled at him before taking it. To the side, she found that Elliot had done the same for his wife. Meanwhile, Azabela and Rhalla stood with a space between them that felt almost awkward to everyone that knew them -including themselves. They'd certainly been very attached on the way to Oraborn. Now that they were here, though, they decided they had not the energy to kick up a scandal after the long journey.

No, that was a feat for another day.

The royal guards brought them all to the castle's grand foyer, where they were immediately greeted by six people. Iris recognized only one of them, Emperor Geh'lien Rus.

"Iris Gwenneth," he spoke warmly, almost like he would to an old friend. "Let me be the first to greet you. Welcome to Oraborn once more."

She dipped into a small bow. "Thank you, Your Highness."

"I trust your trip went smoothly."

"It did," she answered.

"Perhaps the rest of your stay will prove comfortable to you and your loved ones. We're ecstatic to have you all for the centennial ceremony. There is a room and servant prepared for each of you, as well as a fresh bath and clothes, to be used at your pleasure." He met Iris's eyes. "And to you, Iris, my daughters have seen to it to fashion you a particular ensemble for the festivities. They're quite inspired by you and would be elated to see you wear it. There is a gift from me with it, of which I hope you enjoy."

Iris, for a moment, was almost disarmed by all the pomp and circumstance -by his manner of speaking. It was all so formal. She supposed she couldn't expect any less, as he seemed to be among his peers currently. She smiled politely and said, "I would be honored. And thank you." Inwardly, she hoped it wouldn't fit too tight around her abdomen. As it was, she was just barely starting to show her pregnancy.

"Before I let you get settled, I would like to briefly introduce you to a few people," he motioned to the other five people. "All of which have been curious to make the acquaintance at Eldia's new legend."

Iris motioned for him to go ahead, as if she really had a choice.

The first stepped up. He appeared to be a small bit older than Rhalla. His curls were shoulder-length and black, detained by a small circlet. A jeweled sword hung at his waist. "First, I'd like to introduce my son. This is Prince Avan Rus. I fear he was out on a hunt the last time you were in Oraborn."

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