Chapter 9

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Within fifteen minutes I have an appointment for the doctor scheduled tomorrow. I Don't know what they can tell me. I mean, Dark wont show up, so they probably will just consider me crazy and throw me in an institution.

I don't want to go. Not because I'm terrified of doctors (though seriously they are suspicious) but I'm afraid of what will happen once he finds out. Will he go after me? Mark?

The next day comes quickly, as days do as you dread them. We wake up, shower, eat breakfast and get ready for my appointment.

I really want to tell Mark about the threat, but will Dark get angry? I decide I should tell him. Nothing should stand in between us.

I walk over to Mark, nervous. Hes fluffing his hair with a comb in the bathroom.

"Mark?" I say tentatively.

"Yeah Babe?"

"Uh-um," Mark sense something is wrong, "The other day, er-morning...y-you know how I, like, jumped out of bed?"

By now I have his full attention, "Yeah?"
"Well, I saw-" I freeze. In the mirror I see Mark, myself...and me again. I am standing in the mirror...doubled? I blink, sure my vision is wacko. That's when I see it. Slowly, the other me raises a finger to shush me.

"Jack," Mark says, breaking my gaze, "Are you okay?"

"What? Oh! W-where was I?"

Mark eyes me, "You said you saw something."

Again, the other me moves, waving a hand across his neck. He signals to stop talking.

"Oh...I mean, I thought I saw Wade out our window."

I can tell he doesn't quite believe my lie, but doesn't want to question it.

"Oh, he says, "I see."

"Yeah...I gotta pee," I blurt, trying to change the subject.

"Oh, sorry Babe," he slides out of my way and into the hallway.

I quickly shut the door and lock it. I turn off one of the lights so I can see myself better in the mirror. Slowly but surely, I see the duplicate of me.

"Well done," he says cockily, leaning against the edge of the mirror, "I didn't actually think you could pull off a lie."

"You've got to be joking me."

"What," he says, standing straight, "surprised to see me?"

"Why?" I stammer, "...who? Who are you? Why are you here? Why am I seeing..." I couldn't even bring myself to finish.

"Listen kid. I know this is tough. But I want you to know I am here to help you. These next couple of months are going to be hard."

"W-what do you mean?"

He sighs and rubs his hand through his hair. His electric green hair.

"Okay, okay. Let me slow down here," he takes a breath then looks me straight in the eyes, "You're Sean William McLoughlin, correct?"


"Your Youtube name is jacksepticeye?"

I don't answer.

"Okay, now remember your halloween video? Say Goodbye? Remember Antiseptic Eye?" he pauses, gesturing towards himself.

"Y-you're Anti?"

He smiles and winks at me, "the one and only."

"You're a d-demon?"

"Well," he replied, shifting his weight, "I prefer phantom. Demon is too menacing, don't you think?"

I feel my mouth hanging open and quickly shut it. Questions swirled through my brain, but my voice wouldn't cooperate.

"I know this is a lot to take in but-"

Suddenly I hear a rumble so loud I take a step back.


"Shit," Anti turns to me, slightly scared, "I'll be back. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone.

And, within two seconds, Anti whips out of my view.

Imagine Me Darkerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن