Chapter 13

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"So you're saying that it's easier to appear in mirrors? Why?" After our argument about Dark and Anti, I decide to ask other questions regarding those two.

"Well," Anti replied, "I'm your phantom, right? So it's easier to appear in mirrors because your reflection is right next to me. A phantom is practically your reflection."

I frown and ask, "So how did Dark appear next to me?"

"He's way stronger then I am. Especially know, my current state. Also, his strength has something to do with his and Mark's feelings."

"Mark's feelings? What do you mean? What does that have to do with Dark?"

"So, you know how I said Dark has an interest in you?" I nod, "Well it's actually a lot more complicated than that. He loves you just as much as Mark loves you,because Dark is Mark's phantom."

"Does that mean you love Mark as much as I do?"

"Yeah," he replies.

"How come he is always trying to bother me lately and you have never even appeared to Mark?"

Anti looks uncomfortable as he answers, "First of all, I would love to talk to Mark, and it's incredibly hard not to. You see, I love him as much as you do. But it's a little different. I love him and want to protect him. And..." he pauses, "a-and yet I know and learned that his...his life would be better without me. I mean, I-I'm pretty sure Dark and I aren't making your life any easier."

"Yeah...but that doesn't mean, you know, I want you to leave," I reply awkwardly.

Anti looks at the ground, clearly overcome by the affection I showed him.

"Thanks man."

I nod. We sit there for a while in silence. Then, I think of another question.

"So, will Dark ever leave me alone?"

"I don't know," Anti says, taking a deep breath, "You see, Dark loves you. But he doesn't have much empathy. He only understands what he wants and doesn't get how it could affect someone else. He has no control."

I nod in understanding, and let my mind wander. Anti and I sit back to back, as close to touching as possible. My mind goes from Anti to Dark to Mark to my appointment.

My appointment.

"SHIT!" I exclaim, "Anti, how long have we been in here?"

He shrugs and replies, "I don't know, fifteen to twenty minutes?"

"I forgot all about my appointment! Mark's probably freaking out! Shit shit shit!"

"Fuck. This is all my fault! Jack, I'm sorry." Anti apologizes.

"It's okay. It's fine. But I really go to go."

"Okay. I'll talk to you later."

I flick on the other light, unlock the door, and sprint out. But, I don't get more then two steps until I run right into Mark's chest.

"Oomph. Hey babe," Mark says cautiously.


"A-are you okay?" I could tell by his expression that he was worried.

"I'm fine."

Who were you talking to?"

"Oh...I was on the phone," Mark looked very taken aback.

" left your phone in the room on your chair," he replies, pulling my phone out of his pocket.

Fuck. I'm screwed.

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