Chapter 27

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Mark and I spent the rest of the day doing what we do best. Sleeping, browsing. Absolutely nothing. It was nice, you know, being able to just sit and spend time with Mark. I guess forgetting our problems is a trademark human quality. It's not until it slaps you right in the face, so we realize we need to do something.

I don't know what sparked his return, I was half sleeping for fuck's sake. I suppose that's when people are most vulnerable. It's a period of time where you're at ease, not knowing what you see is real or just a dream. It was just like that at first, but after awhile, I realized. I knew, but it was too late.

The second I fall asleep, I hear his laugh. I knew as soon as I heard it that he had complete control.

"It was only a matter of time before you fell asleep feeling this relaxed."

I want to scream, yell, curse at him. I force myself to shout. To say something, but nothing comes out.

"Don't hurt yourself," Dark says, "You can't talk. You'll finally will have to deal with just listening to me. To hear my side of this."

He crosses his arms, narrows his eyes at him, and grits his teeth, "I don't know what that faggot Anti told you, but I am not some animal he needs to train, something to tame. I'm in complete control. He's the one you need to watch for. I'm only doing what I'm meant to do. Be with you."

He smirks, and a shadow covers his face.

"Anti's resisting, and doing a damn good job too. Better than I thought he'd do anyways. But phantoms aren't meant to be away this long. Sure, he's weakened lately..."

Anger surges through me and my mind screams, Yeah because you fucking abuse him!

Dark looks startled, but quickly recovers, "So you found your voice. Good for you. But trust me, I'm doing you a favor, coming here and warning you about what's going to happen."

What do you mean?

Dark takes a couple of steps closer, "Anti's whole job is to do exactly what I'm doing to you. But the thing is, he's not. He's resisting. Phantoms aren't supposed to resist. The longer he's away from Mark, the worse he's going to get."

He's going to hurt Mark?

"Not intentionally."

Dark lets this sink in as he stands there, grinning at his grasp of my attention.

How can I believe you?

Dark sneers, "You don't have to. But go you really think I would go out of my way to feed you false information?"

Yeah, actually, because you're a fucking prick.
"Believe it or not, I'm telling the truth because, whether I want to or not, I have to care for Mark. If he wasn't here, then neither would I."

This is bullshit. You're not real! I'm just sick.

"Believe what you want. But when you show up to see Mark bloody and lifeless on the floor, you know who to blame."



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