Chapter 10

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Ten minutes later, I am still standing in front of the mirror. I don't move an inch until Mark knocks on the door.

"Jackaroony? Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I reply a little too quickly, "I'm fine."

"Will you let me in?"

I quickly fix my hair so it looks like I actually did something and open the door.

Mark smiles at me consolingly and wraps me in a hug.

"We'll be okay, no need to cry," he comforts, wiping the tears I didn't know started.

Mark thinks I'm crying because I'm scared. Because I'm nervous to go to the doctor. Because I don't know what they'll say to me. But that's not it at all.

"We have to go now Jack," he soothes, "Do you have everything?"

I nod and Mark starts to lead me out to his car. I climb into the passenger seat and he sits down on the driver side. Five minutes later Mark is driving the highway, and I'm laying against the window staring at nothing.

I am completely oblivious to the world until I feel something warm touch my hand. I jump and pull my hand back. Looking over toMark I see a hurt look on his face as he returns his hand to the wheel. Feeling bad, I return my back to the chair.

Slowly I try to relax. I try not to think of doctors and needles and Dark and Anti and-

Stop. I can't think about this. But it's too late. I feel me anxiety bubbling up, and my breath starts to shorten.

I need to relax, I think. So, I go to the only thing that relaxes me.


I lightly touch the side of his face. I run my hand through his hair, examining the little curls I find. I trace my finger down his jaw bone, brushing his wisps of a sprouting beard. I caress his cheek, and he leans into my touch. With one hand on the wheel, he uses the other hand to hold mine. He puts his hand over mine and rests on my arm rest.

We stay like that for what seemed like hours, unmoving and unspoken. We don't say anything until I feel Mark shift. I look over to see tears calmly falling from his face. I sit up and wipe the tears from his face.


"Sean. I love you," he replies, "You know that, right?"

"Of course!" I murmur.


I pause then look at Mark again.

"I love you too."

Mark glances at me, searches my face, then looks back at the road. I sit back into my chair again and reach for his hand. We both watch the road, preparing ourselves for what's to come.

Imagine Me DarkerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz