Chapter 22

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I end up falling asleep, my head resting on his shoulder. When I wake up , though, I'm resting with my head in his lap. His hand runs through my bangs, a content smile on his face.

Shifting slightly, I grin back at him.

"Hey sleepyhead," his voice is soft and deep.


"How are you feeling?"

"Better," I reply, as if sleeping could solve my problems.

We lay there, comfortable with letting sience do the talking.

I stare up at Mark and he watches me. I feel my eyelids start to droop again and I'm about to let sleep take over again when my phone vibrates in my pocket. At first I ignore it and move my head closer to Mark's stomach (or might I say abs because boy are they fiiiiine) but my phone dings again.

"I probably should check on that,:" I groan.

"You don't have to," Mark tempts, "we could just stay in our world forever."

"I wish," I murmur. I sit up and pull out my phone. Mark sighs and suggests he goes back to work.

Once my phone is open I see that I got multiple texts from an unknown number. I'm about to delete them when a third one pops up:

Hey sean is this your number?

This is kate i really need to talk to u

It's about levi can u come over?

Confused I text back:

Yeah this is Sean. What's the matter?

A few minutes later she replies:

It's levi. Can you come over? I could really use some help rn

I text back:

Give me directions and i can be on my way in ten minutes.

She gives me her directions and I'm on my way out the door when I remember Mark.

I decide to do the teenager walkout thing and just announce that i'm leaving.

"Mark I'm heading out!"

"Okay," he hollers back, "Where you off to?"

"I'm...I'm just going for a drive to clear my head!"

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I assure.

"Okay don't be out too long, I'm almost done and I want to get back to cuddling!"

"Bye love you!"

"Love you too," he answers. I shut the door with the keys in hand.


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