Chapter 18

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When Mark walks out of the office, he is all smiles. He grins at everyone, waving hello. I assume he's in a good mood. We get to Mark's car, and we both climb in. He shoves the key into the ignition, slams the door, and yanks the car into gear.

"Mark? What's wrong?" I ask softly. He shakes his head and continues to drive down the busy road.

Minutes pass, and I am still confused. I stare ahead, trying to figure out why he's so frustrated. What did I do?

The whole ride is silent. I can tell he's mad, his jaw is clenched and I can tell he's tense.

A few minutes later, we are walking into the kitchen. I walk to the fridge, looking for something to eat. Mark strolls in seconds behind me. He sees me looking in the fridge and snaps.

"H-How can you just stand there?" I turn to look at him, "How can you just stand there and act like nothing's wrong? Jack, we went to the doctor to get you help and all you did was sit there! How do you expect the doctor to tell you what's wrong if you don't accept help?"

A solemn tear falls down my cheek. He doesn't understand. I want to tell him everything. But I can't.

"Oh Sean," he envelopes me into a hug, "It's okay. It's okay to admit you're sick. It's okay to accept that things aren't normal right now. But Jack, they key is to know. To accept this change, even if it's temporary."

I don't tell him the real reason I'm crying. I can't tell him. I let him believe that I'm upset because I'm sick.

Because that would be the logical reason, right?

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