Chapter 28

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Waking up was almost as bad as falling asleep.The confusion from Dark's words and the dread from what he predicted hit me hard, and I feel myself start to shake. I grab Mark's hand and hold it tight. Mark shifts and looks down at me.

"What's this? Jackaboy actually woke up in time for the end credits?"

I feel my body tense and I move closer to him.

"What's wrong?" Mark asks, concern lacing his fingers, "Are you okay?"

My lip trembles as a silent tear slips down my face.

"Oh my gosh Sean!" Mark turns to me, and searches my face. Panic, anxiety, fear, all build up inside me, forming a lump in my throat. Tears start to fall faster, and I fold into myself.

"Seanie, look at me," he holds my face in his hands, "Talk to me."

My eyes have puffed up so bad that almost everything is blurry. I concentrate on his face, his face alone, and look straight at him, until everything clears. His deep brown eyes slowly focus on me, and I stare into them, trying to breathe.

"What do you want me to do?" Mark asks steadily.

I can't move. I'm frozen in fear, staring into the eyes of my savior. I feel my breathing increase rapidly and I can't stop. Anxiety hits me like an uncontrollable wave. My eyes start to sting again, and I want to scream.

"Okay Jack," Mark slowly starts to stand, "I'm going to go get you a glass of water and-"

"No!" I yell, and grab his arm, "Please, I-"

Mark waits for me to finish, and when I don't he asks softly, "What do you need?"

"You, all I need right now"

Mark takes his seat again, his gaze not once diverts from me. He seems so scared, and the only thing I can think of is how he could die, and how I did nothing.

The horror must clearly be displayed on my face, because Mark slides his hands under me, and lifts me onto his lap. I instinctively wrap my arms around his neck. I sob into his shoulder, letting everything out.

But I just can't let some feelings go.

Mark rubs his hand down my back, and brushes his hand next to my temple. He gently shushes me.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm here, you're okay," he lits his hand and touches my cheek. His eyes dart back and forth from mine. Mark tenderly puts a hand to my chest, and the feeling of his hand. My breathing slows, and my heart rate becomes normal.

Mark watches as I calm down, patiently waiting for my explanation. He gives me a small, consoling smile.

"You're okay, you're safe. I won't let anything hurt you."

I nod and rest me head to his chest. I pull my small figure close to him.

"It was just a dream."

He doesn't realize it was a warning. A warning regarding his life. He doesn't realize I'm damaged beyond repair.

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