Chapter 26

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There is light streaming through my curtains in columns when I wake up the next morning. I expect Mark to have me still wrapped up in his arms. Instead, I'm left cold under my blankets. I turn and roll off my empty bed. I groan, stretch, and put on my glasses. Yawning, I trudge down the hall. I go from room to room looking for Mark, but there is no sign of him.

"Mark?" I call out.

Suddenly I hear a clang coming from the kitchen, a string of curse words to follow. I walk in to see Mark hopping in circles, violently shaking his hand. He sees me walk in and grimaces.

"I tried to make you breakfast," I smell something burning, and see black burnt eggs in the sink. He huffs and attempts to blow his bangs out of his eyes.

"What did you do?" I giggle.

"I don't even know," Mark replies, bewildered. A metallic pop sounds from behind me, and Mark starts laughing. Turns out he even burnt the toast. I laugh with him and start to clean up the mess.

"I just wanted to do something nice for you," Mark pouts, "Of course it went wrong."

I kiss him on the cheek and smile, "As they always say, 'It's the thought that counts.'"

"Right," Mark says. I check the time, "Well, in about an hour and a half it's lunchtime, why not just wait until then and we can order pizza?"

Mark turns and looks at me. He puts his hands on my hips and pulls me closer. He kisses me and says, "You know me so well."

"I have to," I say moving so we're chest to chest, "It's my job."

"Mhmm," he mumbles, burying himself in my hair. I wrap my arms around him and pull him into a tight hug, earning a 'oomph' from Mark.

"I love you Mark.

"Love you too-"

"-even if you did burn breakfast."

"Hey!" Mark exclaims and socks me in the arm. I playfully shove him back, and within seconds he's tackling me. We wrestle until he has me swaddled, his arms wrapped around me.

"I win!" Mark says.

I try to turn to him, but he has me trapped, "Maybe this time, but you wait."

"For what?" Mark taunts, "You gonna punish me Jackaboy?"

I blush but try to recover smoothly, "You know it."

I shift and get my hand loose, and jab his side. He yelps, and releases his grip. I slip from his grasp, and dash out of the room.

"You asked for it!," Mark yells and runs after me.

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