Chapter 29

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Is this real?

Dos Anti really not have control?

Is Dark just trying to fuck with me?

Is Mark safe?

Am I sane?

A whirlwind of questions swirl around my brain. I need answers, and I need them now. But I don't know who to ask.

Mark would want me to ask the doctor, but he would just consider me insane. If I talked to Mark, I'd just worrying him more. That only leaves Dark and Anti, but who to believe?

Dark might be telling the truth, but something tells me he isn't. He wouldn't give up a chance to demean Anti and I. And Anti...I'm sure he wouldn't lie to. He just may not be telling the whole truth.

The thing that scares me the most is the last thing Dark said. Why the hell would it be my fault that Anti freaked. It terrifies me even more that I don't know, that I'm supposed to know.

I want to know all of these answers, but I'm not in a good spot right now. I am sitting in front of a shrink, so I am not going to try anything that makes me look mentally unstable.

"What do you want to talk about today, Sean?"

I shrug and bite my bottom lip. Mark made me promise to talk, but that's my honest answer. I really don't know what I want to talk about.

"Let's start with something simple. How have you been feeling?"

I want to shrug, because there isn't a way to describe how I'm feeling, but I don't think Mark would let me get by with it.

"Sean you have to work with me here."

"I don't know how I am feeling."

The doctor frowns, "What do you mean by that?"

I desperately try not to roll my eyes, but I can't stand how stupid this guy's acting. I'd give anything for Mark to walk back in here and do all the talking.

"I don't know," I grumble, "How does this even help me? How does telling my everyday emotions help get rid of fucking phantoms?"

The doctor's eyebrows raise, "So you admit you see things?"

God fucking dammit. I shrug and avoid eye contact.

"Could you...describe what you see? Like tell me what they look like?"

"It doesn't matter," I groan.

"Actually it can! If you tell me what you see, we can possible depict what's affecting you, and possibly make them go away. With the right medication of course."

I don't say anything.

"What did you refer to them as? Phantoms was it?


"How often do they both you?"

Complete silence.

The doctor sighs, clearly disappointed and says, "Well i think we've made excellent progress today! I think I know what meds to put you n, and next time we can check and see if they helped."

He puts on an obviously fake smile and stands up, "I'm glad you came to me Sean. We will fix this soon, I hope."

Anger bubbles inside me. Of course he thinks I'm just another fucking problem for him to solve. Of fucking course.

He walks out of the room, and I trail behind him, making sure to leave a good amount of space between us. We make it to the waiting room where Mark sits cross legged on a chair, biting his nails. He spots the doctor, then me, then sits up. He doesn't say a word to me, just glances expectantly at the doctor.

The doctor nods at Mark and says in a serious tone, "May I speak with you?"

Not again.

"Why do you need to talk to him?" I demand.

"It's nothing bad," he assures, "I just want to ask him something."

"Well then ask him! Why can't you ask him in front of me?"

The doctor sighs and shoots a pleading glance at Mark. Mark looks at the doctor, then walks over to me.

"It's okay," he kisses me on the forehead and follows the doctor out of the room.

Fury rushes to my head and my face heats up. I grit my teeth and throw myself into a chair, ignoring the sideways glances I get from other patients. What seems like hours pass, and I stare out a nearby window. Finally Mark strolls back into the room, and I don't glance up. Mark shakes the man's hand, saying something in audible to me, and the doctor nods.

"Thanks again," Mark says and walks over to me. I reluctantly stand and trail after him. We make it to the car in complete and utter silence.

It's something I've gotten good at lately.

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