Chapter 37- Part 2: Promotion

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"Well, well, well. Now isn't this cosy," the younger duke drawled sardonically.

Verushka jumped up hastily, buttery crumbs flying everywhere as she scrambled to her feet. "This isn't what it looks like, Your Grace." She didn't really know what it looked like but she doubted that he would take too kindly to her discovering the deepest, darkest Bexley secret.

"Really?" Cain arched a brow. "Because what it looks like is you playing chess with my father who is supposed to be playing dead."

"Come now, son," the older man raised his tea cup to his lips once more. "This is hardly the Spanish Inquisition. The young lady brought me some biscuits and we simply got to chatting. I was just explaining Promotion to her."

Verushka noted that beneath the banter there was a sliver of steel in the elder duke's voice that he had kept sheathed with her. "Yes," she babbled seeking to ease the tension as she often did in a fight between Liara and Mina. "It's a chess rule that requires a pawn that reaches its eighth rank to be immediately replaced by the player's choice of a queen, knight, rook, or bishop of the same colour. It is an opportunity to really turn the game in your favour."

Cain seemed to barely consider her presence before continuing. "Father, you cannot be so cavalier at a time like this. Does Mother know that Verushka is here? She is going to have a thousand fits."

Cain's father sighed. "I am not the one playing the Cavalier, son," he noted, winking at his progeny, "but it would not surprise me. That woman misses nothing that goes on in her home."

"I did not inform anyone that I was leaving the Wyvernstone Ball," Verushka piped up.

"Ah, but that does not mean that Catherine is unaware that you left." The older duke patted her hand commiserating as it lay tentative on the edge of the armrest.

Cain strode towards them, his eyes dashing about the room with every step. He noted everything from the strewn documents on the table to the lack of steam from the teacups its drinkers held and catalogued the details for his assessment. Political intrigues were tracked by nuances of expression and years of training had him reading his maid's face as easily as a book. Where his father was devoid of information, the tilt of Verushka's brow and the slackened shock of her jaw told him all that he required. She had been present in the room for a few hours in full awareness of its secret locality, but his father had already secured her trust and possibly even her confidences. She looked beautiful as always but the reversion to her maid's robes signalled an element of subversion, perhaps she covertly travelled to encounter the older duke? Cain tilted his head intrigued and the tired etchings around her eyes instead told him that she had more likely run away from her new found debutant duties. The thought of her sadness pulled at his heartstrings but he remained resilient. He could not allow himself to be weakened by emotion at this crucial juncture. She must return to her position as Jay's ward and his presence was needed elsewhere.

Cain finished his short approach and sliced his palm through the air dismissively. "Enough. Verushka, they will be expecting you at Wyvernstone Hall. If you can take a note to my mother to excuse my sudden departure I would be most grateful. I must return to London. Mother will likely follow once she had heard the news."

William blinked once, slowly. "Why?"

Cain thrust a missive into his father's hands. "Queen Victoria is with child."

"I know, but what has that got to do with anything?" Verushka scrunched her nose quizzically.

"You know?" Cain turned to her sharply. "You know about the Queen, you know about my father, is there anything we can conceal from you Miss Wyvernstone? You do seem to crop up in the most unexpected of places."

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