Chapter 44: Part 1- The Spider to the Fly

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June 22nd 1840

Verushka sat in her peach silk dressing gown watching the comings and goings of the ton from her chamber window overlooking Grosvenor Square. She had made the transition to her brother's home but Wyvernstone Manor still itched like freshly stitched woolen socks. It seemed that the Bexley House would always feel more like home. Jacob was always helpful and kind in the few moments that they had shared together, however his time was mostly occupied in distracting the Duchess of Wyvernstone from strangling his new ward while she slept.

Verushka pulled her thick blonde curls through an ornate silver handled brush and sighed. It had been two weeks. Two weeks of parties, and balls and opera and she was miserable. Cain was supposed to be courting her but all that he had achieved was to drive a wedge so far between them that warmth of the pantry seemed nothing more than a dull burn against her skin. Too much sunlight, too fast.

He arrived almost every morning when she received guests and stayed the appropriate amount of time and said the appropriate compliments when he brought the appropriate bunch of flowers. It had reached such a point of frustration that she had even attempted to corner him in the hallway but to no avail. Cain would not be moved and so their illicit liaisons, however benign book reading could be, were at an unfortunate end. Instead Verushka dedicated large portions of her time to study. The Queen and the Duchess of Bexley had a rigorous syllabus planned for her and the knowledge that Verushka had so long craved was now in ample supply. In between dress fittings and etiquette lessons (which she loathed), her nose seemed permanently buried in some book or another. And so, Verushka discovered that she could easily conceal the tears that splashed onto the pages before her.

It seemed silly to complain and so ungracious to voice her discontent. She was being given everything that she ever wanted and yet something in her felt so unsettled. The man who loved her wished to marry her, her mother's life's work was becoming her own and she was bestowed the Wyvernstone fortune which left her wanting for nothing. Providence had indeed smiled on her and yet all her ungrateful heart could do was linger on happier memories.

She has been ecstatic to tell her friends the news of her engagement. Pushing through the pantry doors in the middle of the night she had found them making tea and biscuits and everything was right with the world.

"Do I have a story for you girls!" Verushka panted from running clear down Pall Mall to the Bexley Home after her long deliberation at Buckingham Palace.

"Well, what do you think we are waiting for at this hour?" Liara shook a whisk in her direction.

"Spill," Mina ordered, placing three tankards of tea down with a thunk. "What happened with the Queen?"

"Oh, she was lovely, really nice and sassy too. You would have liked her Liara." Verushka slipped her fingers through the handle and drew a mug towards her.

"I always knew I possessed Queenly qualities," Liara preened.

Mina rolled her eyes. "So, what did she say?"

"Quite a lot. Edward Oxford refuses to give up any valuable information despite being questioned over and over. Now the Queen wants me to interrogate him."

"What?" Mina sent a spray of moist crumbs careening into Liara's hair.

"Mina!" Liara squawked.

"Sorry," Mina offered unapologetically. "But, come on. Ver how can they expect you to face such a man?"

"I don't know," Ver gnawed at her cheek. "It's worth a try though, right."

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