The beginning (2)

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"Tessa?" My dad knocks lightly on my open door.

I role over and rub my eyes. "What time is it?" I say through a massive yawn.

He checks his watch, "Nine o'clock on the dot."

"P.M.?" I question.

He chuckles. "No, it's the morning. When I got home last night you were already asleep so I just let you be. What time did you go to bed?"

"Uh... I'm not sure?" I scratch my head and look around. "Oh the lady next door came over and introduced herself. Her name is Kim and her kids names are Tristan, Taylor, and I think Travis? Tristan came in and helped me build my nightstands and dresser but we couldn't figure out the bed." I stand up and start reading the labels on my boxes in search of any clothes.

"You had a boy in your room? Tessa?! What were you thinking? You don't know that kid and you were home alone. If this is going to become a problem you won't be allowed to stay home alone anymore." He rubs his head in stress.

I shake my head and smile slightly. "Dad trust me he wouldn't do anything, you'll understand when you meat him. Anyways can you start on my bed while I take a shower? I've been in these clothes way to long." Grabbing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I start walking to my bathroom.

"Actually kiddo I start work today. Speaking of which I should get going." He starts to leave then pokes his head back in, "Oh and you start school tomorrow. Bye love you and no more boys in here."

Great now what am I supposed to do about my bed? I turn on pandora and hop in the shower. Halfway through my shower my phone starts going off but I ignore it because I'm not about to get electrocuted or destroy my phone. Twenty minutes after I get out I remember the phone call and decide to check. Just as I am about to open my phone I get another call.

Frantically I answer without checking the caller ID "Hello?"

"Oh my god I thought you had died or something! Did your dad help you with your bed?" Tristan questions.

"Oh hey Tristan! I actually fell asleep right after you left and my dad just left. Again..." I trail off hoping he'll get the hint to drop it.

"Well if you don't want to be home alone we can go to the mall or something and be social" He practically sounds like a kid in a candy shop.

"Maybe another time? I really want to get everything unpacked."

"Don't say another word I'm on my way!"

"Tris-" He hangs up before I can finish my sentence. My dad won't be too happy about this.

Five minutes later there is a knock at the door so I run down the stairs. Who would guess it's Tristan. Without a word he heads up to my room and starts opening boxes. By the time I'm in my room he already has a box labeled dresser clothes opened. "Tristan what the heck are you doing?! That's my underwear and bras"

He rolls his eyes "I live with two girls, do you really think this bothers me?" he pulls out a hand full of underwear as he tells me this.

Well this apparently is more awkward for me than him. "What am I going to do about me bed? I half whine as I open up a box labeled bathroom.

"Like I said yesterday I can have my brother and his goon squad come over. We'll just have to wait until noon because they're never up this early." He pulls my bathing suits out of the box "you won't be using these for a while." he says as he tosses them in the brawer with my underwear, I'm definitely going to have to go back through and reorganize.

Half an hour later and we've completely given up on unpack and instead he's telling me the gossip of the town, which isn't much. Halfway through one of his stories we hear a very high pitched scream come from outside. I look at Tristan scared for my life.

A New Beginning - a Quentin McConathy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now