Lost (14)

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Tristan picked me up and carried me to his car. I could lose the love of my life. It's my fault he was mad. It was my fault he drank. Tristan sets me in the backseat of his car and Dylan wraps his arms around me. "I'm here for you." I can't move. I can barely breath. We get to the hospital and Dylan climbs out "I'll help you in come on." I climb out. Tristan and Dylan go to both of my sides and walk me in. I'm weak. 

A women looks up from a chair in the corner of the waiting room. She runs to me and pulls me into a hug. "You must be Tessa" she says softly. "Quentin talks about you all the time."

We sit down next to each other. "It's my fault."

She rubs my back "no it's not sweetheart."

I finally look in her eyes "we got in a fight right before it happened." 

"You didn't force him to drink then drive." She squeezes my shoulder.

We sit in silence for a couple minutes. "Can I go see him?"

Her face softens "he's in surgery hunny." My heart drops and I fall into her lap. 

For the next three hours we wait. Wait for the doctor to come tell us something, anything. Finally she comes out, "McConathy family?" His mom stands up and rushes over. I can tell from the other side of the room that she's crying. It's crazy, we've been crying for a long time yet tears still come. 

She comes back and sits down. Everyone looks. Looks for answers on her face. "He made it out of surgery." We all smile and hug each other. "But..." I grab her hand. "He's in a coma" she stutters out.

"No!" I fall into her arms. "Can I see him?"

She rubs my back "only family can go in for now. You should go home and get some rest, it's almost two a.m." I shake my head. "Alright Dylan come over here and take my spot, I'm going back to my baby." She stands up and practically runs back to his room.

Dylan sits next to me and pulls me into his chest. "I'm sorry Tessa. It's going to be all right." We all sit there, they all refuse to even look at me. I pull out my phone and text my dad.

Me: Can you bring my laptop? I'm going to stay until he wakes up so I might as well work on school.

Dad: Absolutely just please keep me updated?

A half hour later he shows up and hugs me. "How are you doing Pumpkin?"

"I can't tell." He kisses the top of my head and hands me my laptop and a bag. "What's this?"

"I brought you Wendy's, you need to eat." I shake my head no and Dylan grabs it and eats right away. "Tessa." He pulls me away from everyone else. "You can't do this to yourself Pumpkin. you need to come home."

"I can't dad. I love him." 

He sighs and pulls me in for a hug. "Alright. Take a nap okay? I have to go back to work." He kisses the top of my head and leaves. I sit down next to Dylan and start doing my homework. I can't sleep at a time like this, who could?

2 p.m.

"Tessa?" a gentle hand rubs my shoulder. 

I open my eyes and see Quentin's mom. I hop up "how is he?"

She hugs me "he's okay sweetheart. You're allowed to come back now." 

I tell Dylan to watch my stuff then follow her back. She opens the door and I see him just laying there. His eyes are wide open looking at me. "Oh my gosh he woke up! He woke up!"

"No hunny. He is still in a coma. He doesn't know what's going on around him." 

I climb into the bed next to him and whisper "I love you baby."

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