This can't be happening (9)

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I wake up and look around, I don't remember coming to my room last night. My alarm clock says it's five in the morning, that explains why it's dark outside. Since I'm now home schooled I get to stay in bed and get up whenever I want. So I roll over and try to go back to sleep but I can't, yet I'm still exhausted. I look over and see my dad put my laptop back on my dresser. If you couldn't tell, he's the best. I grab it, lean against my headboard, and open up youtube. I remember Tristan telling me when I first moved here that Tanner had a youtube channel. I click on the search bar and type "Tanner Braungardt." Then I click on his profile. He has 2.4 million subscribers! What the actual heck! Tanner seems like such a normal kid, how is he that famous? For the next five or so hours I watch his videos, plus I found out Quentin had a channel to so I watched his to. I text Tanner around ten because I figure he's awake now.

Me: Did you know you have 2.4 million fricken subscribers?!

Tanner: Is it really at 2.4? I thought it was 2.3

Me: Close enough! I didn't know you were famous.

Tanner: I'm not famous, my videos are.

Me: Same thing!

Tanner: Nah. Do you want me to wake Quentin up?

Me: No. I'll be over in a little bit. Keep him asleep.

I quickly get in the shower and throw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I put my phone in my back pocket and head downstairs. I see my dad sitting on the couch and plop down next to him. "Can I go next door?" I give him the puppy eyes.

"You just got home yesterday. You don't want to spend time here?" he asks while reading the news off his phone.

I grunt "dad please I missed them."

"I missed you. I want to spend time with you, but if you want to go over fine." He gives me a stern look "text me if anything goes wrong or you go anywhere else."

I nod my head and quickly hug him. "Thanks!" I run out the door and just walk into Tanner's and straight to the basement. "Where's Quentin?"

Tanner lifts his head from his taco bed "Hello to you to! He's in the movie room."

"Hi Tanner thank you." I sneak into the movie room. Quentin is asleep, let me just say he's adorable when he's asleep. He's laying on his back with one hand behind his head and the other is holding his blanket. I climb on top of him and give him a kiss.

"Stop it" he groans basically still asleep. So I run my hand down his chest. He wraps his arms around me and rolls on his side.

I try to squirm out. "Quentin your squeezing me."

A smile covers his face and he buries his head into my collar. "Don't leave again" he whispers as he loosens his grip.

I wrap my arms around him and kiss the top of his head. How did I get so lucky? "I won't" I whisper back as I trace circles into his back.

We lay there for awhile before Tanner comes in "Do you guys want to go to Ihop?" He sees us cuddled together "Oh sorry I didn't know I was interrupting."

Quentin looks at him, "Nah it's fine I'm hangry." He pats his stomach and we all laugh. Quentin lets go of me and I stand up straightening my tank top out. He gives me the once over then whispers in my ear "you look beautiful."

I blush like crazy "put a shirt on so we can go."

"Bossy" he mocks then grabs a nearby shirt, "shirts are stupid." Still he puts it on and we all head out. "I'll drive!" Quentin yells.

"Fine I'll sit in the back." Tanner smiles at me. Weird?

I climb in the front and text me dad that we're going to IHop. "Oh wait I don't have any money! I'll be right back."

A New Beginning - a Quentin McConathy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now