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Sebastian's POV:
I stood behind the chapel's doors, trembling like a leaf as I waited​ for the music for the bride to play.
I was fiddling nervously with the sleeves on the white tuxedo I wore. I felt Miracle grab my hand and hold it.
"You'll be fine, mom, you look​ handsome and dad will be falling over head over heels when he sees​ you."
I smiled at her but didn't say anything.
"She's right Sebastian, you'll be fine," Vincent said smiling warmly at me. Vincent had decided to be polite enough to walk me down the isle for this very special day.
My face became red when I heard the song for the bride begin to play. I took a deep breath and nervously​ hooked arms with Vincent. The doors opened and​ me and Vincent began walking slowly down the isle. Everybody from the whole town came to the wedding and they were all standing up watching me walk down the isle along with the bridesmaids​ and flower girl. I had made Miracle my bridesmaid of honor and two other women were bridesmaids as well.
Soon enough, I got to the altar where Claude was waiting for me; I let go of Vincent's arm and stood in front of Claude and he grabbed my hands and held them. I looked up at him to find him smiling at me which made me blush.
Third person's POV:
"Everybody, we're gathered here today today to welcome two newly weds to be" the priest said. "If you would Claude Faustus, state your vows."
"Sebastian, you are the the love of my life, and I am glad to have you and Miracle in my life, you are a great mother and you and Miracle are the best that has ever happened in my life, I love you both very much."
"And if you would Sebastian Michaelis, state your vows" the priest also said to Sebastian.
Sebastian looked at Claude and smiled, oh how Claude looked so sexy without his glasses on. Sebastian cleared his mind then spoke "Claude, I am glad to have you and Miracle in my life. You have taught me how to come out of my shell and taught me how to be myself​. You helped me through the hard times and I'm glad to live my life with you and our daughter for eternity."
The priest then spoke again, "Do you Claude Faustus, take Sebastian Michaelis to be your lawful wedded husband to love and to hold for eternity?"
"I do" Claude said.
"And do you Sebastian Michaelis take Claude Faustus to be your lawful wedded husband to love and to hold for eternity?" the priest asked sebastian.
"I do" Sebastian said.
"Now Claude Faustus, take the ring and repeat after me" the priest said, "With this ring, I be wed."
"With this ring, I be wed" Claude repeated​; he slipped the golden diamond ring onto Sebastian's third finger.
"Sebastian Michaelis, repeat after me. With this ring, I be wed" the priest said.
"With this ring, I be wed" Sebastian repeated placing the golden ring on Claude's third finger.
"If anybody here objects why these two should not get married speak up or forever hold your peace" the priest announced.
The whole chapel was silent, nobody dared stood up.
"Then I pronounce you both to be happily married. You may kiss the bride" the priest said.
Claude wrapped his arms around Sebastian's waist and dipped him low and kissed him on the lips until the chapel's bells rang and everybody in the chapel stood up and cheered.
Claude picked Sebastian up bridal style and kissed him some more.
Claude and Sebastian were now happily married.

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