I Promise

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Claude's POV:
"Okay, Sebastian, what did I do wrong?" I asked.
"You know what you did, don't play coy with​ me" he said, he sounded angry.
"Seriously Sebastian, I don't know what I did wrong, tell me what I did" I said.
He growled and gave me a piece of paper, I opened the paper and it had a lipstick stain on it, I opened the paper and read the note. My eyes widened reading it; how dare Hannah start lies? I looked at Sebastian with surprise, "Sebastian, I don't know what this is but I think there must be some mistake."
"What mistake, from what I read, it seems like ​something is going on between you and Hannah that I don't know about."
"Sebastian, listen to me. Nothing is going on between me and Hannah, yes we were together a few years ago but I left her."
"....." He didn't say anything, he just glared angrily at me.
"Sebastian, please believe me, I love you and only you, don't let that note bother you."
"It is bothering me because I don't know whether or not I can trust you."
"You can trust me, please baby, I don't know what this note is but I promise nothing is going on between me and Hannah."
"I guess I am being jealous and possessive when it comes to you, it's just that I love you and I don't want to lose you," He starts to cry, damn these mood swings he has.
I put my arms around his waist and hugged him close, "That's enough Sebastian, I love you and I will never leave you. I promise."
Sebastian's POV:
I calmed down in his arms and laid my head on his shoulder, "I love you Claude" I said smiling.
"I love you too. I promise to stay by your side, you are my true love and nothing will ever change that."
I smiled hearing those words. I guess I did let that note take control of me. I will prove to Hannah that Claude is my man, one way or another.

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