Protective And Loving Big Sister

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Miracle's POV:
My ears perked up when I heard the loud cries of a baby, dad suddenly walked into my room, he was smiling.
"Would you like to see your baby sibling?" He asked smiling.
I nodded and quickly stood from bed, I was​ by his side in a instant; "Do I have a baby sister or a baby brother?" I asked excitedly​.
"It's a surprise, follow me, my little princess."
I followed him​ to their bedroom and I saw mom laying in the bed, asleep and cradling a tiny baby wrapped in a white blanket in his arms.
Dad walks into the room and goes over to mom's side, he gently picks the baby up.
"Would you like to hold her?" He asked smiling.
"I have a baby sister​?" I asked with excitement.
"You sure do."
I held out my arms and he placed the baby in my arms.
"What's her name?" I asked.
"Her name is Susan."
I smiled and held her close in my arms, "Hello Susan, I'm your big sister, I love you very much"
Susan opened her eyes and she looked up at me, she started cooing and smiling at me, she is so adorable, all I want to do is hold her close and never let her go.
"Dad, I want to be the best big sister ever to her."
"You already are, my little princess."
"But I want to be a protective and loving big sister."
Dad placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me, "You already are one, you have such a big heart, Miracle and that's one thing that someone can never take away from you."
I smiled and looked at Susan who was looking up at me, I was caught in a trance looking into her eyes; I believe she knows that I love her.
I promise to myself, I'm going to be a protective and loving big sister I can be.

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