A Friend To Care For You

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Sebastian's POV:
It's been nearly​ a month now and I'm four months pregnant. I keep hesitating whether I should go back to Claude or not, I want to but I can't seem to do it no matter how bad I want to.
Miracle hasn't been herself a lot lately, she had a horrible fever and she was losing weight! I stood by her bedside worriedly holding her hand, trying to comfort her, she was so pale and it was worrying me. Vincent and Rachel called over a doctor for her and the doctor told me that she just had the flu which brought some relief.
I stayed by Miracle's bedside all day, not bothering to get rest for myself; Vincent and Rachel's​ thirteen year old son named Ciel came into​ the room every once in a while to check on Miracle and bring me and her some food. Ciel is such a great young boy, I'm glad that him and Miracle are friends, he looks out for her at school and Miracle tells me a whole bunch about Ciel​ and how nice he is and I believe it. At least I know that my child has a friend that will look out for her and care for her.
I'm glad to have Vincent and Rachel as my friends, they're really great people and I appreciate them being there for me, I'm not upset as much like I was but I'm still a bit disappointed; deep inside, I hope Claude does come around and apologize to me, I still love him even if my heart is broken because of him.
I was laying in bed, trying to get some sleep, I kept tossing and turning because my back was killing me, the baby was kicking me like I was a punching bag, but no matter what position I got in  my back would feel worse than before. Rachel came into the room, she looked concerned.
"Are you alright Sebastian? I can hear you tossing and turning all the way from in my room" she asked.
"Not really, my back is aching horribly because the baby is right at my spine and keeps kicking" I said, trying to get comfortable again, I gave up and sighed with frustration.
"I know something that'll help perfectly, lay on you side" she said.
I did as told and laid on my right side; she sat on the edge of the bed and started to gently caress the small of my back. I closed my eyes feeling relieved and relaxed. "Thank you Rachel, I feel much better" I said smiling before​ drifting off into a deep slumber.

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