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Third person's POV:
Another month has passed and Claude and Sebastian yet again had no luck with finding Miracle.
Sebastian is seven months pregnant and is having unconformable stomach pain, he figured it was stress pain, he has been stressed out really bad ever since Miracle ran​ away.
Sebastian's POV:
I was laying in bed, gently caressing my large stomach, trying to ease the pain but it didn't seem to help. Claude has put me on bed rest ever since I began having the pains, he was terrified that I was going into early labor but I told him that if I was, I would be in more pain and possibly be bleeding, he seemed to relieved ​after that.
I wonder if Miracle is doing okay and she's safe; I hadn't gave up looking for her, I just couldn't look for her at the moment since I'm on bed rest.
I hope my little girl is okay, I miss her so much.
Claude's POV:
I had no luck yet again looking for Miracle, I spent basically the whole day in town just going up to strangers, showing them a picture of her and asking them if they seen her but I would get the same answer..... No.
I have a worried feeling that something bad might have happened to her, I hope not; I don't think me and Sebastian can handle it if something bad was to happen to her, especially Sebastian.
Sebastian has been so stressed out a lot lately and it worries me, he's heavily pregnant and with all this stress going on, I fear that he might go into premature labor.
I hope everything goes back to normal and that Hannah goes away, she's the reason why all of this happened, she needs to learn that I love Sebastian not her.
Sebastian's POV:
I walked around the house, trying to get my back to quit aching. I don't like being home by myself, especially being heavily pregnant, I get scared that something bad might happen, I was like that when I was pregnant with Miracle.
I walk down the hallway and I saw a picture of Miracle hanging up on the wall, I gently took the picture off the wall, careful not to break the delicate glass frame.
I couldn't take it no more, I hugged the picture close to my chest and broke down into tears, I wanted to scream, I wanted to yell, I wanted to break something, but I couldn't.
All I could was hold the picture close to my chest and sob.

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