Lost Temper And Going Into Labor

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Sebastian's POV:
"Where is she?" I asked, my eyes narrowing in frustration at Hannah, I wasn't in no mood for games today.
"She's in Hell" Hannah replied.... Damn I wish she would stop grinning, it's kinda creeping me out.
"How do you know that, I swear to God that if you're lying, I'm going to tear your​throat out."
"Calm down birdie. I'm not lying, I saw her run into the woods a few months ago, she looked pretty upset about something; I decided to follow and spy on her. I saw her run to this small cabin and get a few items."
I knew what cabin Hannah was talking about, but I proceeded to listen and got curious when she said a few items. "What items were they?" I asked.
"I saw her get five black candles, a box of matches, a dagger, and a small bowl. I watched her draw a pentagram into the ground and do some kind of spell with the items and the pentagram she drew. I watched her fall into a hole right after she did the spell."
My blood went cold and I felt my heart drop. Me and Claude told Miracle multiple times to never go to that place, yet she disobeyed us, I don't even know how she found a spell like that, me and Claude never taught her, but that didn't worry me; what worried me was that my little girl is probably sick, hurt, and possibly starving to death.
"I need to get her back, she can't survive on her own!" I said worriedly.
"You will never make it back alive, demons that are pregnant have a hard time being down in Hell, other demons are most likely to kill and rape you; you probably won't make it back alive even with your daughter."
"I need to get her back one way or another, I can't bare the thought of something bad happening to her," I started out the door until I got a strong pain in my stomach which caused me to gasp in pain and put a hand on it.
"You're in labor already I see, You better think twice about this Sebastian" she said.
I glared at her angrily, "I don't give a fuck! My daughter comes first right now! You bitch, you're the reason that this happened in the first place. Don't you see that Claude doesn't love you?! Get a damn grip onto reality and realize that, Claude is my husband and the father to my children! I would've have killed you a long time ago but I didn't. Find someone you actually want to fuck with besides Claude because you and him being together is never going to happen!" I yelled loudly, actually lost my temper with this bitch; I ran down the porch steps until I suddenly bumped into Claude, my face turned a bright red knowing he heard everything.
Claude's POV:
I smirked at Sebastian after hearing him lose his temper, I put my arms around his waist and kissed him but he soon pulled away.
"You heard everything didn't you?" He asked.
I looked up at Hannah who just had her arms crossed and rolling her eyes; I looked at Sebastian, my smirk becoming bigger.
"At least I know you love me" I teased.
Sebastian's POV;
"Oh shut up, no time for teasing. I know where Miracle is at, she's in Hell and we got to hurry" I said, grabbing his arms and running to the woods, to the cabin.
I gritted my teeth tightly when I felt another painful contraction while running. The baby was coming but I kept quiet about it, my top priority right now was getting to Hell and finding Miracle.

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