I want To Go Home

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Miracle's POV:
I've been in Hell for a while now it seems like, and I hate it, I want to go home but I don't know how to. I asked other demons how to get back to the human world but they called me crazy and accused me of being a human and a demon hunter.
I miss mom and dad, I bet mom looks huge with the baby growing in his belly. Oh how I miss being in my parents arms.
No wonder why mom and dad told me to never go to this place, it's horrible. Other demons tried to kill me because I'm young, it's starting to get really hot to the point where I feel like I'm about to pass out, I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, I have no shelter to stay at which makes it most likely to get killed, I'm lonely, and I haven't gotten sleep in the last two weeks.
I'm exhausted, I regret running away from home, miss mom and so much. I need to find a way to go home one way or another, I hope to make it home possibly alive if these other demons don't kill me.
I ran through the woods of Hell, as I was running I started to sing a song to give me strength and motivation, a song that mom used to sing to me when I was five:
"My little blue bird so small and frail, my little blue bird, let nothing stand in your path. No more tears my little blue bird, we'll make it through the troubles.... Hush now my little blue bird, for I will always love you."
As I was singing, I felt tears roll down my face, I was crying that I wound up tripping and falling over a tree stump.
I didn't bother standing up, I just laid on the ground in a fetal position, and cried until I finally cried myself to sleep.
I want to go home..... I want to go home.

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