Oh Hell

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Claude's POV:
Sebastian has been staring at me for the last four hours now and it's getting a bit annoying.
During dinner, I caught Sebastian staring at me and he looked like he was mad about something.
"Sebastian, is everything okay?" I asked.
"Everything is fine" he said bitterly.
I looked at Miracle and she looked concerned. "May I be excused?" She asked.
"Of course you can" I said, smiling at her to let her know that everything was okay. She stood up from the table and left upstairs to her room.
Now I can talk to Sebastian and ask him what's wrong.
"Sebastian why are you staring at me? you look like you could tear my throat out any second."
"Nothing to be concerned about" he said bitterly again.
"Please love, I'm not going to quit asking you what's wrong, now tell me."
"Hannah told me that you're her boyfriend, and it kinda made​ me think if something is going on behind closed doors between you two."
I rolled my eyes, I didn't know how jealous Sebastian could be; "Nothing is going on between us, I promise."
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"I promise. Now go onto bed, I'll clean up the dishes."
He smiled at me, thank goodness. He went upstairs to our room, leaving me alone in the kitchen to clean up.
Sebastian's POV:
I stepped out of the shower and got into a dark blue pajama shirt and a pair of black pajama bottoms, I combed out my hair, brushed my teeth and got into bed. Soon as I got into bed, I saw a piece of paper lying down on the pillow on Claude's side of the bed; I picked up the paper and recoiled in shock when I saw a lipstick stain on it, the color light lavender. I was hesitant about opening the piece of paper, but I did any how, when I opened it, I felt my blood boil with anger when I read what it said.
To my dearest love Claude, I want you to know you mean everything to me and I love you too the moon and back.
From your dearest love, Hannah.
"Claude!" I yelled.
Claude's POV: 
  I heard ​Sebastian yelling for me, I finished washing the dishes and went on upstairs. As I made it too our room, I saw Sebastian standing in the doorway, he had his arms crossed and he looked at me with a pissed off look.
Oh hell..... I know that I did something wrong.

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