The Stress Of A Heartbreak

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Sebastian's POV:
Me and Miracle were staying at mine and Claude's friends house; Vincent Phantomhive, the man who proved mine and Claude's innocence and his wife Rachel's​ house.
I was staying in one of the guest rooms they offered me, while Miracle was staying in another guest room. It's been two weeks now since we left Claude and sleeping was becoming hard on me which caused me to become stressed which wasn't good for me and the baby. I want to go home but I don't want to be anywhere near Claude..... I have him on the brain every day and it's breaking my heart, why would he cheat on me? I don't understand, he told me that he loves me but I realized that it was a lie.
I was laying in bed when Rachel walked into the room, she sat on the edge of the bed and ran her delicate fingers through my hair. "Sebastian, why don't you come out of the room and get some fresh air, it'll do you good" she said, her voice is so pure, it's like crystal clear water calming down a burning flame.
"I don't know how much longer I can take of this heartbreak, Rachel, I miss Claude....." I said as tears rolled down my face.
"Who knows, he might come around and apologize to you eventually, I wouldn't give up hope if I was you."
I thought it through what she said and I looked at her, "You really think so?"
"I know so."
She smiles and rests her hand on my stomach, suddenly I felt the baby kick and it made me smile for the first time within the last two weeks, only though, deep inside my heart was still hurting.
Claude's POV:
I miss Sebastian and I miss Miracle, I wonder if they're okay. Hannah ruined my perfect family, she caused Sebastian and Miracle to walk out on me and it caused Sebastian not wanting to do anything with me, I tried calling him but he won't pick up the phone.
Why did this have to happen? I love Sebastian, not Hannah, Sebastian makes me smile, not Hannah, Sebastian gave me a beautiful little girl and another beautiful child on the way, Hannah didn't, Sebastian has a big heart and a great personality, Hannah has a stone cold heart and a horrible personality​. Sebastian is the only one for me, him, Miracle, and the baby is all I need to make me happy.
I miss my family.

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