Chapter 3

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Just glaring at her sister was irritating enough but the fact she didn't want to accept her mother's marriage to another man other than that coward of a father she never finds gratitude in mentioning was making her blood boil.

Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones she thought but no Natalie was being quite annoying.

"Come on Ali just think about all the fine American Men we will find In New York." She pleaded with her hands clasped in the air but just like her reply for the last hour she rolled her eyes for the millionth time that day continuing to swipe through Instagram photos with her middle finger.

"Xavier is not a good guy I can feel it he's just a pervert after Mum."It was Emilia's turn to roll her eyes because Natalia sounded like a four-year-old who wanted her mummy and daddy to stay in a happy marriage.

"Please don't tell me you have hope that the father that walked out on us when we were four years old will return and claim his unconditional love for Mum."Emilia rasped that statement nearly choking as if it were the most despicable and quite frankly to her it was.

She gasped at her sister as if that was the first time she heard her trash talk there no good father"What's wrong with that?"Emilia yanked the phone out of Natalie's hand to study her briefly.

"Are you bloody delusional that man-made your Mum's life a nightmare from what I can remember?"She glared intensely this time as if her sister was Cerberus from the Hercules.

"That man will still remain your father Emilia."Natalie retorted turning her head away obviously hurt from all the anger Emilia held for their father.

Losing her temper Emilia's voice rose slightly which Natalie quickly picked up on"Oh please I'd rather a bum off the streets."

"Don't test me, Emilia, I'm older so I will not hesitate to beat you up." She threatened and Emilia stared at her blankly because her threat did not move a muscle in her.

She wasn't scared like usual nor did she flee.

"Only by three minutes and just because I'm small it doesn't mean I will be scared of you."Emilia felt something within her giving her strength she was tired of being stepped on and the fact she was 5'2 didn't help but made things worse.

"Oh looky there the chicken finally gained a backbone."Anger was boiling beneath their veins ready to rupture as their glares became more intense and out of nowhere, they both burst into laughter.

Something they did when they knew they could not resist the urge to talk to each other when they're in a feud.




"Hey Camila Happy Birthday I have guests coming could you prepare the guest bedrooms," Xavier instructed his sister helping his chauffeur put the bags in his Mercedes Benz GLS-Class.

After he closed his phone Juliana glared in his direction causing him to shrug," You don't have to do that the kids and I can stay in a hotel."

Xavier gasped, getting in the car after opening the door for her."Stop talking rubbish Julia why would you stay in a hotel when my house is full of unused rooms."

"But I don't want to be a burden on your shoulders Xavier and besides I don't want to come uninvited to your sister's party."

"Your not a burden on my shoulders and besides Camila would be more than happy to have you over."He explained gazing into her hazel eyes while rubbing her hands for comfort which caused a smile to form on Juliana's face."I'm just saddened that Natalie did not come along."

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