Chapter 1

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Hello My Lovelies and Welcome to my new Novel please let me know what you think your opinion matters!!!!



"Come on Emilia. Get out of bed," Arnold yelled, pulling the sheets off of her comfortable figure," It's Friday night and we are going par.......ty," he chanted, nodding his head but Emilia grabbed the blanket from under her bed and covered herself once more.

"No!!!! I do not want to go anywhere. Just leave me alone."Emilia begged in despair. She was an emotional wreck not feeling like doing anything for the next week or so. She hated people sympathizing for her and loved to be alone in times like these.

Her twin sister Natalia walked out of the shower and began to blow dry her frizzy brown locks as she sighed. She quickly turned off the blow dryer and began to yell."Emilia forget about that self-conceited son of a bitch." her sister said circling the bedroom with anger boiling through her aqua green eyes, "you wasted two years with that bastard and in the end, because you did not want to give him your virginity he slept with your hoe of a best friend," she said putting her hands up in defeat," is that a guy you want to dwell over because I would not waste my precious little time on his ugly looking ass.

"But I loved Jewed," Emilia said, barring her face into her hands continuing to sob as Natalia rolled her eyes.

"Fuck him!!!!!" Natalia and Arnold both yelled with impatience, turning towards each other while laughing, "Jinx. double jinx. silent jinx." They both yelled, moving their eyebrows along with their body movements.

"Emilia gets your lazy bum out of this bed or I will go get a whole jug of water and spill it on you!!"

"Ok ok goodness," she said in defeat, pulling the sheets off of her. The minute she laid her feet on the purple warm rug, Natalia jumped from excitement.

" I am picking out your attire."Natalia sprinted to her closet.

" Hell no."

Emilia ran quickly blocking the closet door. She knew if she allowed her sister to pick out her clothes it was most likely going to be something too short and revealing too much cleavage.

"Come on Em," she begged, making her classic puppy dog eyes.

"No.," she said, firmly while rubbing her temple.

"O........k than I will. I mean what are best friends for if they can't help you in difficult situations."Arnold said with enthusiasm, as Emilia glanced at the two.

Even though Arnold was a guy he knew fashion like he knew his middle name. It was his profession and anyone who knew him knew this segment.

"Ok."She said after careful consideration and Arnold beamed towards the closet winking at Natalia.

"Put this on," Arnold said, handing her a skin-tight, short, dark blue, strapless dress, that revealed some skin from the sides.

"So if I'm not going to make my breast obvious I have to make my ass look obvious," Emilia sighed, waving the dress around like it was an unwanted piece of rotten meat.

"Eeeeeee...yup."Natalia said, tapping her sister on the bum, "Now go change."

"Ok."Emilia rolled her eyes while slapping her sister with the dress then quickly ran to the bathroom before Natalia could catch her as Arnold chuckled.

Arnold has been there best friend ever since they can remember. They stuck together through thick and thin.

"Hurry up Em."Arnold yelled, pushing strands of his strawberry blonde curls as Natalia banged on the door loudly, "Do you think she is alright?"Arnold said with panic obvious on his face and Natalia's eyes widened as she pulled her ear slightly and knocked on the hardest surface near her.

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