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I woke up to the sun rays stinging my eyelids. My mouth dry, my throat still burning from the shots of last night's party & my head thumping like a bicycle pump, I had to collect myself.

"Go home Shai," I thought.

I stood up from the bed with difficulty & headed for the door before I realised I was naked.

"Get dressed Shai. Then you can go home," I said my thought out loud.

I lazily put on my jeans & top from the night previous, glancing over at the mirror on the wall. I looked terrible.

I just felt sorry for Kerry, who hosted this party & had to clean up the mess & have to touch the sheets that endless people had sex in. Those endless people being me. I smirked at my thought.

I stood up & was ready to go, slowly shifting my feet to the door. I got too hammered last night to even remember a single thing. Just that I got to fourth base with the hottest asshole in the school is all.

I grimaced over at the trash can by the door & noticed something alarmingly shocking. The condom we used last night was broken.

"Oh shit," I cursed & suddenly gained energy. I ran out of the room & managed to escape the house without anybody noticing.

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