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"This is where we keep the new shipments," the manager explained, "& this is where we keep the clearance clothes. On the box there's a date where you should stock them on the shelf & unlike the other clothes you leave them there. That's why it's called clearance," he smiled at me like I was retarded. I was just a dropout. A pregnant dropout.

"Alright got that sir," I smiled.

"Good. Your shift starts now. We open in ten minutes," he gave me a snobbish smile & walked out of the backroom.

I got a job working at a Topshop store in the local mall. It's pretty upscale but it paid good so I had some money for myself & the baby.

The store opened & the day was pretty slow. It was all well until it hit 3pm. Then a guy walked in. He seemed well off. With a Rolex on his wrist & walking into the store with sunglasses.

I have this pretty stupid assumption that if someone walks into a place with sunglasses on, their lives aren't bad at all. Bright future equals sunglasses inside.

He walked up to the counter & took off his sunglasses to look at me. His eyes were beautiful but his smile was a master piece.

"Hey. I need to return this for a bigger size. I have the receipt," he nodded & checked me out. He was hot, I wouldn't lie.

"Alright," I took the pants from his bag & put them to the side.

"I need pants that are a bit loosened but not too much. They just hold me in the crotch area," he explained & winked at me.

Yep this guy was definitely flirting with me & his hint that he was gifted was very evident.

I giggled & took the pants to the back & got a bigger size. I came back & ran them through the system before putting it in the classic white paper bag.

"So you do this often?" he asked.

"Yeah this is my job," I giggled.

"Oh I see. Very stupid question I'm sorry," he chuckled.

"It's alright," I chuckled.

"I just thought of something," he stated.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"They say beauty is pain. Well, you must suffer all the time," he winked & bit his lip & I was melting.

"Oh wow," I giggled & hid my face behind my hand.

"So," he started & I came from behind the counter to give him his bag, "when are you free?"

"Tomorrow night," I smiled & lifted the bag, revealing my stomach. Which was already quite big. People could tell I'm pregnant because I'm tiny.

"Oh damn I think I'm busy tomorrow night," he panicked as he saw my stomach.

"Oh," I said soundly.

"Look I gotta go. Thank you," he put on his sunglasses & jet.

This baby was ruining my game & my life.

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