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There I was, walking through the cold streets, clenching my bag tight & my stomach tighter. Tears clouding my vision & my heart breaking into pieces. I then got a text from Lauryn.

Come over right now.

So that's what I did, I turned the corner & headed to her house. It wasn't too far from my endless trip to nowhere.


I knocked on her door & her mom answered.

"Hi Pam," I smiled as I held my bags.

"Hello Shaileigh. Lauryn told me you were gonna stop by," she said & looked at my bag, "but she didn't mention anything about sleeping over."

"Oh no I don't intend on sleeping over," I held my bag.

"No darling it's okay you can sleep over," she smiled.

"Thanks Pam," I smiled & walked in. I walked to Lauryn's room & knocked on her door.

"Come in," she called from inside. I walked in & set down my bags & as I sat down I just burst out crying.

"Woah woah. What happened?" she asked as she pulled me into a hug.

"I got suspended from school for two days," I whimpered.

"That doesn't seem bad," she shrugged.

"No. My mom found out & I lied & told her the mother was some girl in our class but then she knew I was lying because Doctor Jules called her & she," I grasped for air, "kicked me out."

"Oh my gosh Shaileigh," she hugged me tightly, "you can come stay with us until the heat's gone down alright."

"Are you sure your mom won't mind?" I asked quietly.

"Of course not. You're basically family," she smiled & wiped away my tears.

"I promise I won't be a bother. I'll be out of your hair as soon as possible," I begged.

"Don't worry Shai. We're in this together," she said softly & held my head close to my chest.

I'm lucky to have a friend like Lauryn.

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