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I was lying on my bed, on my back, clutching my stomach which was aching with pain when I felt my phone vibrate on my bed.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Miss Shaileigh Abeles?" the voice asked.

"Yes?" I answered.

"This call is from Doctor Jules' office. The results of your paternity test is ready & you can come to the office right now to get the papers," the voice said. It was the assistant.

"Oh thank you so much. I'll be there right away," I said & ended the call.

I quickly threw on a sweater & texted Lauryn to meet me at the clinic. I was about to make a quick getaway when my mom caught me mid way of opening the door.

"Where are you going?" she asked as she took a sip from her mug.

"I quickly need to fetch a few study notes from Lauryn's house I'll be back in a few can I use the car?" I asked.

"Alright but if they pull you over, you stole the car okay," she chuckled.

"Alright. See ya," I laughed & went to the car.

I was on my way to the clinic, my head spinning. I knew Hayes was the father. I just needed some sort of evidence to serve him right. I hope this did enough damage for Gina to leave him & for us to take care of this baby.

I parked outside the clinic & nervously motioned forward to the doors. I saw Lauryn waiting outside for me.

"Hey girl," she greeted me with a hug.

"Hey," I greeted her back.

"You ready?" she asked.

"Yeah," I nodded & we walked in. The assistant let us through & we walked into his office.

"Hello Doctor Jules," I greeted him as he was sitting at his desk.

"Hello Shaileigh," he greeted, "have a seat."

Lauryn & I took a seat in the chairs opposite his desk.

"So the news?" I asked.

"The results are clear & on this document," he slid the paper across the table & we looked at it.

"I knew it!" Lauryn yelled & stood up from her chair.

"Lar. Inside voice," I snapped at her.

"Oh sorry," she covered her mouth.

I examined the paper & there it read

Alleged father: Hayes Grier

Now he can't deny me. Even if he wanted to. Tomorrow I'm coming for that bastard.

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