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"So how'd it go?" Lauryn asked as she ate her fries.

"I hate him so much," I roughly chewed on my deep dish pizza pie.

"That bad?" she asked. I gently set down my slice & cleared my throat, explaining each gory detail to her.

"Are you fucking serious?" she asked.

"Yeah. That dick. He's gonna pay. Holy crap he's gonna pay," I began to stir up a storm, "I need a plan."

"What are you gonna do? I mean you gotta humiliate him," Lauryn stirred with me.

I was thinking up a brainstorm. I then remember his harsh words seep through my ears.

If this comes out...

"I got it!" I jumped from my chair in excitement.

"What is it?" she asked.

"He'll be so humiliated & devastated if this comes out. So I'm gonna make a bunch of copies of the paternity test & post them around school. Then he'll know. He'll know he messed with the wrong bitch," I had a look of evil upon my face.

"That's genius Shai. But are you sure you wanna?" she asked.

"Oh yes. I really do," I nodded & took the paper, "I better head home now, I'm gonna stay up all night printing these."

With that I took off & got to work. I was fired up & ready to destroy.

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