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This was all Hayes' fault. For her getting pregnant. For her getting suspended. For her leaving. I was fuming. I was ready to rage.

It was lunch period & the cafeteria was starting to fill up. I was chilling with my other friends, eating my salad in fury when I spotted him with his little whore & knew it was time.

I stood up & stormed over there. With no hesitation, I punched Hayes across the face & he just looked at me.

"What the hell!" he yelled & I could see from the corner of my eye, people were holding Gina back.

"That's for getting my friend pregnant. Denying paternity & causing her to drop out & run away. I lost her forever. Thanks a lot you prick," I spat in his face & Gina lost it. She tried to come at me but I pushed her to the ground. I stared at her as she looked at me shocked, trying to register what I just did.

"What bitch!" I yelled & stepped on her, making my way out of the cafeteria.

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