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I parked just outside the house that Gina told me to meet her at. The minute I stepped out of the car, I received a series of looks. Winks from prostitutes. Growls & scowls from drug dealers. Looks of confusion from little kids. I ignored these looks & just walked in.

I observed my surroundings. I saw a table in the middle of an empty, I mean ghost empty, room. On the table were two plates of meals, a candle & a rose placed in the middle with glasses of my favourite alcohol. I knew my alcohol when I saw it.

I went to the table to sit down & saw another letter.

You can start eating your meal so long. I won't be long. I won't get mad either. Promise.

Gina xo 

Damn. Well if she insists.

I dug into my meal. It was so amazing. I just loved every bite. I was starting to question if it was actually Gina who cooked this. I loved it. I took a sip from my drink & just relaxed, waiting for Gina's arrival.


I watched him from the creek of my bedroom door. Enjoying his meal & his drink. He seemed so happy & blissful. But what was happening next he really couldn't see it coming.

I decided to emerge from my bedroom & walk in.

"Hayes," I smiled as he jumped up from his chair a little.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Did you like the meal I made you? The drink I fixed up for you?" I asked as I walked closer.

"What the hell are you doing?" he sat still in his chair.

"Do you remember that's the first drink we shared at that party," I smirked, "that faithful night you had sex with me."

"Are we on this again?" he rolled his eyes, "I'm not the father!"

"Yeah," I came close to his face & whispered in his ear, "& you'll never be."

I then pulled out the dagger I had been hiding behind my back & stabbed him in the neck. I then saw his eyes, wide & open. Him grasping for air & trying to speak when I just looked at him & said,

"You ruined my life. Now I'll end yours."

I released the dagger from his neck as he fell to the ground & I watched him drown in his own pool of blood.

I looked down at my clothes to see little blood stains all over my dress. I had done it. Finally.

A sharp pain hit me in my stomach & I fell down to the ground. I was experiencing severe pain. I then realised it was time. Nine months was up.

I then started hearing police sirens & ambulance sirens. I knew it was over. It was done.

I guess this baby is gonna be raised in jail.



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