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Gina & I were...


We weren't at the best of times but I actually love her. Well I think I do. But she's still tripping over the whole Shaileigh dilemma.

Okay yeah I admit it I did only sleep with Shaileigh that night & I did notice the condom break but I kept going because that's what I always do

Keep going

& if I keep going with this imaginary crap then maybe, just maybe Shaileigh will be convinced I'm not the father & so will Gina. Because in retrospect, I did nothing wrong. I really did.

"Hey bro," Nash greeted me as I walked into the house, "this got sent here today. Says it's addressed to Mr Hayes Grier," he gushed.

"Gimme that," I snatched it out of his hands & opened the envelope.


I feel like we're drifting apart & things aren't okay between us. I've been thinking about us a lot & I even wrote this letter to you & you know I don't write.

She was right. She doesn't write. I continued reading,

Tonight, meet me at the said location below for a romantic dinner to patch things up. Do not have further contact with me until you arrive. Otherwise we're done.

For good.

Gina xo

& I read the address. A house situated in the most dodgy part of this city.

Why there?

Maybe it was to test my strength & love for her? I didn't quite understand but I did it anyways.

"I'm gonna be out," I said & headed back for the door as it was approaching night fall.

"What for? Mom's gonna kill you," Nash suggested.

"Gina. She needs help. Just cover for me please," I sighed.

"Alright. But if you get into shit. Just know. I told you so," he stuck out his tongue.

"Yeah yeah bye bro love ya," I chuckled.

"Love ya too," he chuckled with me & I left.

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