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The last two weeks have been gruesome. I've been around the streets, looking for a place to stay. I've been through it all. Sun. Rain. Clouds. Shine. & I still haven't found anything.

I was walking around one of the neighbourhoods of the city. This was a dangerous neighbourhood. Multiple people in groups were standing outside at 9:30pm. Some were working the corner, others were making drops.

I understood this lifestyle though. My cousin is a drug dealer & he only does that because his parents don't care about him enough to spend money on him. I was just fearful that one day this would be me too.

I then spotted a small house. The door was open & the lights were off. Nobody seemed to be standing around & I was pretty desperate so I went inside.

It looked a little run down but that was alright. I really wasn't looking for Paris or Rome. But just a place that was, hopefully, temporary.

I checked the house & surprisingly there was still a bed & the water was warm. It was suitable for a person to live in even though it seemed abandoned.

I decided to set up. I took off my clothes & put them in water because I hadn't taken a shower in days. I went to take a shower & put on my pajamas I had long awaited for. As I got into my bed my stomach was grumbling & kicking at the same time.

"Time for a pregnant high school dropout to find a job before she dies of starvation," I sighed & drifted off to sleep.

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