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I got to school. Nice & bright & early. I was ready to wreak havoc. I had the bundle of papers clutched closely in my arm & had tape in my opposite hand.

"Hello Shaileigh. Someone's early," my Physics teacher, Miss Dain, greeted me.

"Oh hey Miss Dain. I'm just hanging up some flyers for animal awareness," I smiled. I knew she'd believe it. She's a sucker for animal protection.

"Oh how nice of you Shai. You definitely have to inform people that animals have feelings too. I'll promote for you if you like. I'll just need one flyer to hang up in my class," she smiled & I started to tense up.

"Oh no Miss Dain it's okay. Just tell each class you see today to keep an eye out. I don't want it in their face," I smiled & she smiled with me, leaving me to do my work.

I covered all of the sections in school. The library. The hallway walls. The gym. Even the cafeteria. The worse part. After finishing my dirty deed I went into the girls bathroom to freshen up my face.

I stared into the mirror, a look of evil reflecting back at me as I heard loud chatter & bodies filling up the building. I texted Lauryn to meet me in the bathroom & within minutes she walked in.

"You actually did it," were her first words to me. Her mouth gawking at my stunt.

"I told you I would do it. How are the reactions?" I asked with a smirk.

"Pretty damn gold but I just can't wait till Hayes arrives. But let's stay here till homeroom that way it can be good," she nodded.

"Yeah alright," I agreed with her.

"But aren't you worried people are gonna find out you're pregnant?" she asked.

"Nah. I crossed out my name before I printed it. So people will know that Hayes is a father, just don't know to who though," I shrugged & chuckled.

"Damn Shaileigh you're too good," she smirked & laughed with me.


It was lunch period & Hayes had been the talk of the town. Now everybody knew he was a father.

The cafeteria was quiet until Hayes & Gina walked in holding hands & the cafeteria burst into a wave of loud whispers & murmurs.

"I think Gina's the mom,"

"I think it's Miss Fombe. He's always been a flirt with her,"

"I heard this was all a joke,"

Continuous theories blasting through the seams. It was gold.

I then saw Gina talk to Hayes, whilst looking at me. She then nodded & walked the other direction as I saw him come towards me.

"May I help you?" I asked smug, crossing my arms.

"Not cool Shaileigh. Not cool. You better take those down before the end of today or else," he grunted.

"Or else what?" I faced him fearless.

"I'll tell them you're the little whore I knocked up," he whispered.

"Fine tell them. Then I'll tell then how you denied paternity & wanted me to get an abortion & then everybody will hate you," I spat at him. He looked at me with eyes of fury & just as he was about to say something the principal, Mrs Clayson, walked in.

Whenever she was in the presence of students, someone was in shit.

She looked at me & gave me the "come here" finger.


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