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I had been working for a month now & I had saved enough money to buy some garden furniture for my "house" & food for myself. It was actually not too bad but now I see what my mom always complained about with food being so expensive & everything being so damn expensive.

The day was going good. A lot of people were shopping because it was the end of the month so everyone had money.

I saw all sorts of people. Rich snobby girls wanting the latest fashion. Guys wanting to buy their girls nice clothes. Families taking their relatives here for a shopping spree because it was their birthday. Others coming here with a buzz, aiming for one piece of clothing that they'd been saving up for. Then I saw the people that I didn't wanna see.

Hayes & Gina walked in hand & hand. I was actually surprised they were still together. It had been three months since they started dating. Usually after two weeks it's done between people like them.

Luckily the checkout desk was far from the entrance but I had sight of everyone who came in & out. I watched them silently as they browsed the store & exchanged kisses & looks of love whilst looking for things to buy.

I think Hayes was using Gina for things because Gina is rich. Stinking rich. So maybe it wasn't genuine blood sucking love. Because they were literally the same person.

I saw them approaching the desk & that's when I felt my body tense up faster than ever. I tried to look down & pretend I was busy with something but it was too late. The second I heard Gina's familiar gasp, I knew it was over.

"Oh my God Shaileigh," she walked over & dumped all the clothes collected from their spree, "I didn't know you worked here."

"No one's supposed to," I murmured.

"I haven't seen you at school recently. You okay?" she asked with a sulky face.

"I dropped out," I said as I passed her clothes through the scanner, "because this fucking cunt knocked me up," I looked at Hayes with eyes of fury.

"Are you still on that bullshit Shai. Give it up," he rolled his eyes & wrapped his arm around Gina, "to print fake paternity tests? Really fucking low."

"Are you kidding me?" I spat as I threw her clothes in the bags.

"Hey! Easy on my clothes. They're worth more than your life," she yelled.

"Bitch shut up first of all, he's gonna throw you away like a crusty band aid in a minute so sit down," I pointed at Hayes, "to think that I am that petty to print fake paternity tests is beyond low Hayes. This is your baby. & the fact that you're too immature to claim it just shows that you were a mistake & sleeping with you was a mistake now have a nice day you fucking cunts," I threw their bag to the floor & their clothes tumbled out.

"Hey what's going on here?" my manager asked angrily.

"Oh sir," Gina sighed like a damsel in distress & waddled over to him, "she was being very disrespectful."

"Yes sir," Hayes nodded, "she treated us in a very unruly way. & you know what they say; the customer is always right."

"Shaileigh," my manager scowled at me, "sorry sir & ma'am. Courtesy of us please accept these complimentary his & her accessory watches," he smiled painfully & handed them the set on the counter.

I looked at them with looks of disgust.

"Again, apologies for the confrontation," my manager smiled.

"Yeah better be. Baby let's go," Gina grabbed Hayes' hand & left.

"Shaileigh what the hell was that?" my manager asked.

"They were provoking me sir," I gasped.

"Even if you do, you stay calm. Do not react. Save it for home or at least your lunch breaks. I understand that your hormones are out of control because you're pregnant but please," he brought his voice down to a whisper, "we could lose business & have this franchise shut down."

"Yes sir. I'm sorry sir," I sighed.

"It's okay. Now get back to work," he ordered & disappeared.

I hate everything.

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