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The street lights flickered over me as I walked the cold streets of the dying day. It was dusk. I had just escaped. & I knew I just needed to find a house or some sort of shelter to rest & a job to support myself & my bundle of joy.

"Hey you," I heard a voice from the darkness call my name. I looked around but saw no one.

"Over here!" the voice yelled.

I then saw a group of rugged & dirty men appear from the darkness. All looking blood thirsty for new victims. I was very uneasy.

"We can take care of you. You seem cold," one of the strangers said. I was very reluctant as they seemed so dodgy. But I was cold & everything was woozy. I decided to walk towards their fire.

There was a group of them standing by the fire in an empty oil can.

"You look awfully pretty miss," one of them complimented me. He had a few missing teeth & was quite old.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Tell me. Why are you out here by yourself in the freezing cold?" the same man asked.

"My life is hard," I sighed.

"I'm sorry miss. But you can join us," he smiled even though it was incomplete.

"Join you?" I questioned.

"Yes. We'll take good care of you," he said & all of them surrounded me. I was starting to panic. They started touching me & that's when I decided to jet.

I made a run for it. I somehow jolted out of the circle of men with my bags in my hands & ran as I heard their voices scream behind me.

I ran quite a bit before I felt a cramp in my abdomen. I stopped & looked down at my stomach. My bump was already starting to show.

Now I really felt the reality of this whole situation.

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