We Know Each Other

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Yo! So Kori first meets Fred Weasley again in this chapter. She's in her third year and I'm going to start this story near the beginning of the school year. Let's say they've been in school for a couple months. Enjoy!

3rd Person POV

Kori didn't feel the best. Plus, she was not exactly social. And she had homework. On her way out to the Black Lake, she grabbed a sandwich for lunch. She sat under a tree and got started on an essay for potions. The grass was surprisingly green for the time of year. She soon finishes and decides to look at the Black Lake. She hears a voice behind her.

Fred POV Haha. I'm switching it up on you guys.

Time to survey the field. George and I wanted to set off fireworks early tomorrow morning in front of the Black Lake. I dashed out to find a gorgeous girl standing there, staring at the lake. She seemed infatuated with something. And familiar. Dang, was she hot. Time to drop a pickup line.

"Excuse me," I said, tapping her on the shoulder, "is this the Paradise City because the grass is green and man are you pretty." I gave her a smile and wiggled my eyebrows.

"Thanks," she said with an American accent and poker face. "but I would figure anyone over second year would be able to figure out Hogwarts isn't exactly paradise."

"With you baby, it can be." Wow that was smooth. Sometimes I impress even myself.

She sighed. "I don't understand how you can't get it through your impossibly thick scull that I'm not interested. Why are you talking to me anyway?" She picked up her bag and started walking away. I decided to follow. She turned suddenly, right on the steps to the main entrance. "Wait, let me answer that. It's for a prank, right? Scoping out the area?"

"What? No!" I said. Her nose twitched. Forgot to tell you this, she's got enhanced senses from being trained by a dragon so she has superhuman smell and hearing. She can smell when people are lying.

"Then why are you still here?"

"Why can't a guy talk to a pretty girl?" We were going towards the library.

"Because this girl's got homework." She walked into the library and goes looking for a book.

"What a coincidence. So do I!"

"Great. Go do it."

"Oh come on. Can you at least help me with my potions essay?"

She pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head. "Why? What's the catch?"

"Um, no catch?"

"What do I get out of it?"

"Um," oh gosh. What can I offer her? No money, no candy. Wait-money, candy, the joke shop! "You wanna be partners?"

"With you and your brother? Leave me out. Go find a table. I'll meet you there." Score! I found a spot in the back so we can be more or less alone. The girl rounded the corner, books piled high in her arms. Oh shoot, I still don't know her name.

"Alright. Essay on wormwood?" She asked in a whisper, plopping down across from me with the books. I nodded.

"Start with its history then go into the properties, finishing with a few potions you use it in and what those potions are used for. Here's a book."

"Er, thanks. Say, what's your name?" She tucks a strand of hair that's come out of her ponytail behind her ear.

"Kori Dragneel. And I'm assuming your Fred."

"Yep." Kori? It couldn't be. This girl's so different--less fun, more work. "What house are you in?"

"Ravenclaw. Get to work." Silence after that. She didn't respond to any questions I asked her. Finally, I finished the essay.

The Dragon Witch (Fred Weasley X Kori Dragneel/reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ