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This is more of a brief synopsis of the entire 2nd year of Kori and the twins, narrated by Kori.

Kori POV

2nd year, Ravenclaw had no classes with Gryffindor. We didn't see each other very much at lunch and we both found new friends. Long story short, the twins and I grew apart. At first, we attempted to stay in touch but our schedules overflowed, leaving no time for communication. 

I grew closer to fellow Ravenclaws. We did homework together, ate together, and read together. That was all we did so it was no surprise when, at the end of the year, I was in the same car as other Ravenclaws and we read books the entire time. I found myself with no more than acquaintances, friends, and the gray, misty area between. Homework, reading, and information were all I cared about. Friendship could wait until I was older.

I began studying harder, even during the summer. I became humorless with solely a passion for knowledge. My life began passing me by. Grades? Fantastic! Brain? Full capacity. Self? As smart as ever. Creativity? Lacking. Who had time for that when there were things you didn't know? Fun? That was all in the books. I enjoyed my peaceful, restful life of discovering something new every day. I showed nothing different except, only, a more mature persona and stance.

3rd Person POV

What Kori didn't know was the physical change. Her eyes began dulling and her hair grew long and slightly unruly with terrible split ends. It had lost its softness and was always, always, tied back in a ponytail. She did focus on her studies and became background. Unimportant to the plot. Indifferent. Boring. Was she bored? No. But with no personality, no fun, and no shine she used to have, she became--secretly--lonely. The child within snuck around, looking for a way to unleash its immaturity. Unfortunately, there was no one to help. At least, until her third year.

Next chapter is on year 3. Lots of editing may be necessary. So sorry about this chapter! Please comment any thoughts!!!!!!!

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