Learning and Mapping

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Please tell me what you guys think! Fun fact: you can't give a moose a beer in Alaska.

Kori POV

I woke up then changed and hustled to the library. I pulled out a few more books on appearance that seemed to have even a little chance of containing the knowledge I needed to know. While looking through the books, I also found a few books on dragons. Dragons are amazing and always will be to me. Ever since Diana.

I was suddenly interrupted by my two best friends.

"Whatcha doin' in the library Kori?" Fred started.

"Researching," I said without looking up.

"We're heading to breakfast. You should join us," George continued.

"There's no use in arguing with us," Fred said grabbing my arm as I opened my mouth to do exactly that: argue.

They dragged me down the stairs and into the Hall to eat. I was escorted to the Gryffindor table. No one looked at me twice but I did notice a few whispers. The twins scooped, piled, and shoveled food onto a plate then handed it off to me. I dug in. Owl post came and I saw my owl (Khione) flying towards me. I gave her some bacon after grabbing the letter. It was from my parents.

"That a letter Kori?"

"Read it out loud!"

"Dear Kori,

We hope everything is okay at Hogwarts and that you are getting along just fine. We hope you've made some new friends and can't wait to hear about your classes and teachers! Too bad there isn't an open house night.

Will you be coming for Christmas? You can stay at the school if you want to but we would love it if you came home. I'm excited to try out a new turkey recipe! And a new pie. We know how much you love it! Please send your response ASAP.

The other day our neighbor, Mr. Blouch, yelled at some kids across the street. He threatened to put a cane to them if they didn't get out of his yard. You should've seen them run.

Please tell us anything new at the school or anything we will find even mildly interesting. We love you!

Mom and dad."

"Well, Kori, have you made any friends?" The devil smirks were back.

"Oh, hush up you two. Of course I have. And what are you guys doing for Christmas?"

"Probably going home."

"Then I'll probably go home, too." I finished eating, for once, and walked off with the twins to the next class.

Imma just gonna skip past classes. Tell me if you want me to write about what happens in classes!

"I have to write back to my parents. I'll see you guys at dinner." Before the twins could protest more I sprinted to the common room to write my letter.

"Dear mom and dad,

I'm having tons of fun! Fred and George Weasley are my best friends and absolutely hilarious. The food is great but not as great as yours, mom. Nothing in particular is happening now. I have so much to tell you about classes that I can't possibly write it all down! I will be coming home for Christmas. See you then!

With love,

Yes, it's perfect. I gave Khione my letter and she flew off. I went down to dinner and scarfed down my food before walking to the library once more to continue my extensive research on appearance and dragons. All too soon it was time for bed. Halloween was coming up and I was super excited!

The Dragon Witch (Fred Weasley X Kori Dragneel/reader)Where stories live. Discover now