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". . . and your toothbrush?" Mrs. Princeton asked for the fourth time.

"Yes," Kori said, rather exasperated. 

"You know, I could tell Weasleys you won't be coming."

"I'm sorry, you're just holding on a little too tight."

"Aww, but you're my little girl. Are you sure you don't want to stay here?"

"Maybe next year the Weasleys can come here or over Christmas? Then I won't have to leave."

"Aw, we're going to miss you!" Mrs. Princeton hugged her adopted daughter tightly. 

"When did the Weasleys say they were going to be here?" Mr. Princeton asked.

"Around fo-" A thud cut Kori off. They all raced to the living room to see four redheads laying on the floor on top of each other with their feet in the fireplace. 

"Oh, hi Dragon," Fred said from the bottom of the dog pile. Kori's family helped unstack the heap of fire-hairs and dis-tangle each of their limbs. Kori started with helping the one on the top pile, who was younger than the other three and, evidently, shy. Her dad helped Mr. Weasley and her mother helped George, leaving Kori to help Fred up.

"Do you travel by fireplace often?" she asked the last Weasley to stand up. 

"Dad got your fireplace hooked up for this special event."

"Would you like to sit down for a bit of a chat?" Mrs. Princeton asked.

"Oh, I think we have a little bit of time until we have to go," Mr. Weasley said. He was escorted to the kitchen and sat down to warm tea. 

"We can grab your stuff now, Kori," George said.

"Okay. You're Ron, right?" she asked the smallest among them. He nodded.

"You're just as pretty as Fred described you," he said. Fred moved to takle his brother but the damage had been done and Kori had heard. 

"Fred." Fred looked at Kori who was making a "down" motion with her hands. "It's cool."

Fred released his younger brother with red cheeks. Kori gave them the tour of her house as they walked to her room. They constantly marveled at different things and consistently asked how each object worked. They did, eventually, make it to her room.

"Is that all?" Fred asked looking at her pile of luggage.

"Yeah," Kori said putting on her backpack and grabbing one side of her trunk. George grabbed the other side. Together, they lugged her things back to the fireplace. 

"All right, kids, we better go. Ron, you first. Then Fred, then George, then Kori. Mr. and Mrs. Princeton, thank you for your hospitality."

"Oh please, call us Stephanie and Tom and we're very happy to have you here any time," Mrs. Princeton said. The two parents waved goodbye to their daughter as she vanished up the fireplace. Kori stumbled out of the fireplace in a snug and cozy feeling house.

"Oh! Hello, dear," Mrs. Weasley said helping her up. "There you go. Welcome to our house! I bet you're hungry. We have some bread and butter and a few apple slices."

"Thank you, but I'm not very hungry right now," Kori said.

"Nonsense, you're all skin and bones. Fred, George, please take Kori's things to Ginny's room."

"I thought-" Fred started.

"Kori will not be staying in your room." The two grabbed her trunk and began hauling it up the stairs. Kori was forced to sit and eat, which wasn't necessarily bad. Once she couldn't eat another bite a red haired girl bounded down the stairs.

The Dragon Witch (Fred Weasley X Kori Dragneel/reader)Where stories live. Discover now